
Kate and her cousins wlaked all over Diagon Alley. "WHat if I fail all the classes?" Kate asked. "YOu`ll be fine!" her cousins both insisted. "But what if Malfoy makes fun of me since I`m Muggle-born?" "Don`t listen to him. He`s stupid," Hermione said. both the younger girls whimpered at the thought of Malfoy.

ooc: i`ve only read the 2nd book, so give me the 411 if i do sumfin wrong.
alrighty, Lucy m'dear! I shall help you if you get stuck! (I gave Kin Tsuchi the basic Hermione facts - and the PM took me myself - a fast reader - five minutes to read...I'm a Hermy-Expert)
Emily sit down by a girl all most her age she trun to her and sack her hane " hi my name is Emily whats your name ?' she said with a smaile on her face
"Oh hi I'm Ana and this is my cousin Cho".Ana was getting very bored on the train ride to Hogwarts. "So how is it at Hogwarts Cho?"Ana said looking at her cousin. "Well its really great first you will be sorted if you are in HUfflepuff,Ravenclaw,Gryffindor,or Slytherin. I'm in Ravenclaw"."I wonder which one I'll be in..."Ana said looking out the window.
"Anyone you want actually the sorting hat dosen't really matter.....unless you let it choose it for you"Cho said looking at her cousin.
ooc: i`m bored.

ic: Kate saw the Wealeys and said, "They`re nice, right? Because they`re coming here." "They are!" Hermione said. Kate then saw a Bergie Bott`s Every Flavor Jelly Bean on the floor and ate it. It turned out to be a lollipop and then Kate danced like a crazy monkey and the a girl said, "Look at the crazy monkey girl!"

ooc: lol!
SweetieGirl said:
"Oh hi I'm Ana and this is my cousin Cho".Ana was getting very bored on the train ride to Hogwarts. "So how is it at Hogwarts Cho?"Ana said looking at her cousin. "Well its really great first you will be sorted if you are in HUfflepuff,Ravenclaw,Gryffindor,or Slytherin. I'm in Ravenclaw"."I wonder which one I'll be in..."Ana said looking out the window.
"Anyone you want actually the sorting hat dosen't really matter.....unless you let it choose it for you"Cho said looking at her cousin.

" oh do you know a girl name Hermione that my cozin" she said to them " and I'm gald to meat you oh can ana walk arong the train with me?" she ask Cho
Kate put a banana in Emily`s ear. "Is your cousin there alright?" Ana asked Em. "Oh, she always acts like this when she`s eaten sugar," Em said. "Oh," said Ana, almost afraid.
"I know who Hermione is but I don't talk to her much"Cho said looking her book."Um alright,Cho do you wanna come?"Ana said looking at her cousin.
"I'm fine"."Alright then lets go Emily"Ana said getting up.
SweetieGirl said:
"I know who Hermione is but I don't talk to her much"Cho said looking her book."Um alright,Cho do you wanna come?"Ana said looking at her cousin.
"I'm fine"."Alright then lets go Emily"Ana said getting up.

they walk aroung the train and saw ROn " Hello Ron what you doing?" she said with a laugh
ooc: is it to late to join???

Name: Emmy Black (Serisiouses daughter)
Age: 11
Bio: Emmy was abandoned at birth, and lived with her mother. She knew she was a Black but didn't know about witches, and wizards. She got a letter from Hogwarts, and she was REALLY shy.

ic: Emmy was looking around on the train for a seat. She looked in almost every corrider, then found an empty one. Emmy put her owl next to her.
A week later, Shannon Alice was on the Hogwarts Express, heading to the school she'd longed for since Lavender got her acceptance letter.
She was shoved in a compartment with Lavender, Parvati, and a girl with a sharp chin, slanted eyes and brows, and perfectly shaped lips.
"This is Margarrita," said Lavender to Shannon, pointing at the pretty girl. "She's in mine and Parvati's dormitory at Hogwarts."
"Hi," said Shannon. Margarrita blinked at her, but said nothing, her eyes harder than ice, and sharper than a knife, boring into Shannon's face.
"Where's Laura?" asked Parvati, who was sitting next to Shannon by the door.
"With Luke," replied Margarrita, not taking her eyes off Shannon. Her voice surprised Shannon, who had expected it to be a tinkling voice, full of sparkle. No - it was dull, low, and slightly hoarse.
"Luke is Laura's boyfriend," explained Parvati to Shannon. "Laura's our other dormmate."
They sat in silence as the train rattled into life. Occasionally, people popped their heads into the compartment to greet Lavender, Parvati, and Margarrita, who seemed pretty popular.
An old witch with a cart full of wizarding sweets came by round noon, and Shannon quietly bought a handfull of treats. She munched on them, and, as she finished off the last Chocolate Frog (the card was of Merlin, of whom she had already gotten a hundred and four), the compartment door slid open again.
"Hi!" said a voice, female. Shannon turned as Lavender, Parvati, and Margarrita greeted the incomer.
It was a girl with bushy hair and brown eyes.
"This is my sister," said Lavender, gesturing to Shannon. "Shannon-Alice. She's in First Year."
"Hi!" said the girl. "I'm Hermione Granger. I'm in their year - Gryffindor, like them." She smiled.
Shannon smiled slightly in return. "Are you in their dorm?"
"Yes," said Hermione.
She stayed for a few minutes to talk to the other three girls, and during that time, Shannon gathered a lot about Hermione Granger.
For one, she was best friends with Harry Potter - the Harry Potter. Next, she was Muggle-born. She was enemies with Draco Malfoy, a Slytherin, and his cronies Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy Parkinson all of Slytherin. Finally, she had two cousins starting at Hogwarts that year.
When Hermione left, the compartment grew quiet, until the door slide open yet again, and a tall, blurry boy walked in.
"Roscoe!" squealed Parvati, jumping up. The boy and her embraced.
"How are you?" he asked.
"I'm fine," she said. "You?"
"This is my cousin," said Parvati, turning to face the other girls. "Roscoe Vladmir. He's in seventh year - Ravenclaw like Padma."
"Hi," said Roscoe, raising a hand in aknowledgement.
"Lavender Brown and Margarrita Vasqueze are in my dormitory," said Parvati, pointing to the two. Shannon thought she saw Roscoe's gaze rest on Margarrita longer than Lavender. She nearly laughed. "And Shannon, Lavender's little sister. She's first year."
When Roscoe left, Margarrita asked, "Is he single?"
Parvati gave her friend a sharp look. "Yeah, but you aren't! What happened to Tony?"
"I can't have two boyfriends?" asked Margarrita sarcastically.
Seeming to have missed the sarcasm, Parvati glowered at Margarrita. "I don't want my cousin to be the source of unfaithfulism," she said stubbornly. Margarrita glared at Parvati, and the two became silent.
"Oh Hi Ron! Where's Harry?"Ana said looking around. "ROn I bought some Droobles...Oh hi Ana wheres your sister?"Harry said looking around. "Shes in
our sitting in our place right now.....really boring if you ask me"Ana said giggling. Harry then walked throught the booths(I don't know what they call them..) "Hi Harry"Cho said. "Uhh..Hi Cho"Harry said blushing a little.
SweetieGirl said:
"Oh Hi Ron! Where's Harry?"Ana said looking around. "ROn I bought some Droobles...Oh hi Ana wheres your sister?"Harry said looking around. "Shes in
our sitting in our place right now.....really boring if you ask me"Ana said giggling. Harry then walked throught the booths(I don't know what they call them..) "Hi Harry"Cho said. "Uhh..Hi Cho"Harry said blushing a little.

Emliy was looking at ron choclete frogs "mmm can I have one Please Ron'she ask him her olw was oh her sholder" Legerdo sh techro" she said to her Olw

OOC: I means SHh It's all right I don't know what langerage it is but that all I know
SpiritedWolf said:
ooc: is it to late to join???

Name: Emmy Black (Serisiouses daughter)
Age: 11
Bio: Emmy was abandoned at birth, and lived with her mother. She knew she was a Black but didn't know about witches, and wizards. She got a letter from Hogwarts, and she was REALLY shy.

ic: Emmy was looking around on the train for a seat. She looked in almost every corrider, then found an empty one. Emmy put her owl next to her.
ooc: adding to this, Emmy is REALLY pretty, like drop dead gorgous!!!!
When Emmy got to school, she heard someone saying "Firs' years! Firs' years follow me!" She went towards the voice. Emmy had never seen a giant before, so she was very scared when she saw Hagrid.
"I-I-I'm a first year." She whispered.
"Well then follow me" Hagrid said in a cheery voice.
Emmy was really nervous when she saw how many new students there were. She just wanted to dissapear!! (poor Emmy :( )
Kate saw Shannon Alice and tried to stop dancing like a monkey but the sugar had control over her. "Um, hello, who are you?" Shannon said. "A crazy monkey!" Kate said. "Oh. Nice to meet you," Shan said. "Stop embarrassing me!" Hermione hissed.
Lucy le Courageux said:
Kate saw Shannon Alice and tried to stop dancing like a monkey but the sugar had control over her. "Um, hello, who are you?" Shannon said. "A crazy monkey!" Kate said. "Oh. Nice to meet you," Shan said. "Stop embarrassing me!" Hermione hissed.
Emmy heard a voice, that she had never heard, but she was drawn to it. Emmy followed the voice, and it lead to Hermione. She stared at Hermione.
"Come on!" snarled Lavender, siezing Shannon's hand. She pulled her sister out of the compartment. They followed the crowd of students onto a dark platform, where Lavender quickly instructed Shannon to follow Hagrid - the Care of Magical Creatures teacher - who she told her was holding the lantern now gleaming over the students' heads.
The sisters quickly hugged goodbye before Lavender, Parvati, and Margarrita met up with Laura Aek - a tall blonde girl with an annoying voice - their friend and dormmate.
"Firs' years! Firs' years - this way!" called out a hoarse, gruff voice. A looming figure came into view, clutching the lantern. Shannon gasped: the hand clutching the lantern was enormous - the size of trashcan lids! Hagrid was at least eight feet tall, with a scruffy beard that covered almost his entire face, except his kind, crinkly black eyes.

When the first years entered the Great Hall an hour later, they were agahst. Not only were hundreds - at least a thousand! - older students sitting at four long wooden tables, but the Hall seemed to stretch on forever, into the sky.
Across from them was a long table set horozontially, where Hagrid now sat.
Shannon was standing behind a boy with mousy hair and wearing Hagrid's huge moleskin overcoat (his name was Dennis Creevy; he was in the boat infront of Shannon on their way to the school, and he fell in).
The rest of Hogwarts watched as forty eleven year olds trooped up to the front of the hall, where a stern-faced witch, Professor McGonagall, head of Gryffindor and the Transfiguration teacher, was placing a stool and old patched hat.

One by one, the students lined up facing the rest of the school. Then, the Hat - the Sorting Hat - burst into song.
When the song finished, it bowed to each four long House tables, then stood still as the applause it had recieved subsided.
"When I call your name," said Professor McGonagall in a trilling voice. "You will come forth, place the Hat upon your head, and you will be sorted." She cleared her throught.
"Ackers, Rodney!"
A scrawny boy with black hair stumbled up to the hat. He placed it on his head, and it shouted out a moment later, "Hufflepuff!"
Rodney scrambled and sat next to a boy who looked like he could be Rodney's brother at the Hufflepuff table on the inner left side of the Hall.

[ooc: This is when Susan P.'s character would be sorted, so I'll leave that to her.]
"Brown, Shannon-Alice!"
Fear engulfed Shannon as she trembled to the Hat. She gulped, turned back facing the school, sat down, and felt the heavy hat dropped on her head by Professor McGongall.
"Another Brown? Hmm...Your sister is well-placed...your father and mother, too. And your brother Andrew, also...yes, yes yes...but you? Hmm...Not Slytherin, that is for sure. You have not the willingness nor determination to prove yourself...Yes, yes...so, it will be..." the Hat told her this, and she was sure only she could hear it. But it shouted the last word to the Hall.
Disappointment stabbed angrily at Shannon as she lifted the hat off her head, the Hall coming into view. She glanced at the Gryffindor table to the far right and saw Lavender's face looking slightly upset. The first Brown in five generations not to be in Gryffindor...why Shannon?

She walked slowly to the Ravenclaw table, who were cheering and clapping for her. She smiled weakly as she sat on the end next to Padma Patil.
"Congratulation," said Padma, patting her on the back.
"Thanks," said Shannon.
"I know you wanted to be in Gryffindor," said Padma consolingly. "My whole family is Gryffindor, but I was the only not to be."
Shannon nodded. "I'm the first in five generations! My brother, Andrew, he was Gryffindor, too. My parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and great-great grandparents were all Gryffindor...but I'm Ravenclaw."
"There's nothing wrong with Ravenclaw," shrugged Padma. "I mean, this means you have a will to learn, and are bright."
"I guess," said Shannon.

When the Sorting ended, Professor Dumbledore - the Headmaster - stood up. He had a long silver beard that he tucked into his velvet gold belt that went round his purple robes. His crooked nose had half-moon spetecles perched on them.
"Welcome! To our new and old! Let the feast begin - I am hungry and I know you all are, too! Dig in!"
The food appeared and Shannon grabbed some of the mashed patatoes. She talked to Padma for a bit, and, when dessert came out, noticed the girl sitting cross from her.

She was pretty, with silky black hair and oval black eyes. She was Asian, that was for sure.
"Hi," she said, catching Shannon's eye.
"Hi," replied Shannon. "I'm Shannon-Alice. Just call me Shannon, though, if you want."
"Nice to meet you, Shannon. I'm Cho Chang. Ravenclaw Seeker." she said.
