Honor and Glory

Chapter Two (cont.)

Peony and Joshua took the woodland path back toward their ranger's hill. They walked along whistling to signal the others who lived with them to return to the hill as well. It was time all of them discussed what was happening in the wood.

When they arrived half the others were already seated and waiting. The princess listened to the hushed conversations her fellow rangers were having. Not much could be gathered. Some made off hand mentions of the strange air by the river. Other conversations made mention of the stillness of the forest. Yet none had any idea why it was happening.

A half an hour passed before all the rangers who lived within the hill had returned. Gavin was the last to arrive. When he was seated Peony stood before the group.

"I am sure by now you have noticed the odd tension that has fallen on the forest." Many nodded and a few murmurs surged through the men. "A few of us went forth today to see if we could find the source. Was anyone able to discover anything?"

Peony looked to Gavin. His eyes did a quick scan before locking stares with Peony. He shook his head. No one spoke.

"Nothing?" The princess felt an upset, almost angry, feeling rising. What was going on?

"We were on the banks of the river," a man named, Nilak, said. "There was a stillness there that is nothing like we have felt in the forest. Everything seemed, well, almost as if it was dead."

The mysterious man and woman sprang into Peony's thoughts. Then she thought of the wolves. She wondered if this problem had spread beyond the forest. Or if it had spread outside Otanna.

"Nilak, I need you to ride to the other hills and see if they have any information." Again the couple entered her mind. "Sweeny, I want you to go into Sera and see if one of the river villages carries news. Peter, you do the same for Mutar and Modin, you go to Archon. I have a feeling the river may be the source of all this." She paused, the next part would be hardest to do. "I will take a few of you through to the plains. It is a day and a half ride, we will leave at day break."

"The plains?" One ranger groaned.

The plains were under the calvary's protection. The rangers were not a welcome group on the plains. Though Peony knew the rivalry, she knew the riders needed to be warned. If the problem was spreading it could well take the fields and grasslands of Otanna, just as easily as it took the forest. It was vital to spread the word and try to understand what was happening.

"I realize that may not be the favored course of action, but we must know if the animals have fled from the plains as well as the forest. So, Gavin, Joshua, Mattes, and Grimly, you four will join me tomorrow. The rest of you go about your duties and continue to gather what information you can. keep in close contact with the other rangers, keep each other informed."

Peony dismissed the rangers to their duties. She rubbed her temples and sighed heavily.

* * * *

Chapter Three

The blond woman sat alone, lost in thought. She sat unsuspecting of the great wolf lurking behind her. Any moment the beast could lunge and crush her bones in his powerful jaws. But he didn't.

The woman smiled, "Nanook, you are alone. Your companion has left you?"

The white wolf had returned to the forest of Hazqu alone. The female who traveled with him was no longer at his side.

She went into Mutar, we believe the problem started there.

The woman nodded. Artemis had sent her favorite wolf and oldest companion, Nanook, out with another to better understand what had happened. The animals in Hazqu had remained in Mutar simply because Artemis, the Watcher of the Woods, was there to protect them. But elsewhere in the country the animals were fleeing, all save those who were kept by humans. Many birds and rabbits had come through Hazqu speaking of an evil running through the heart of Mutar to the White River. The news had put Artemis on edge. In all her long years the animals had never fled in such numbers. Also for the first time in centuries something was happening. The Angels and Fairies were concerning themselves with mortal man.

"I am glad she went for I need you here to watch the wood. The Angel Faith has requested my presence in the Realm. Whatever has disturbed the animals has not escaped their notice."

Have they any news? Nanook curled at Artemis's side. Surely Faith and or even Ginsawny knows.

Artemis patted the wolf and sighed. "Faith knows something, but does not want the knowledge outside the Realm as of yet. I believe it is of the utmost importance."

If the Angels and Fairies are worried it has to be. Nanook placed his head on his master's lap. You are leaving soon?

"I was waiting for you," She smiled. "I wanted some news before leaving." Gently she moved Nanook's head from her lap and rose to her feet. "Take good care of my forest. I will return soon."

Artemis took off running. As she gained speed her arms sprouted feathers. The faster she ran the more she changed until she was soaring above the trees and was headed toward the north. Artemis would arrive to the Realm as a great white eagle.

* * * *
Chapter Three (cont.)

The sorceress trudged along behind her companion. “Why do you continue to head south? We found the perfect vessel. Princess Peony can be used to bring Heset back.”

“Sage, you fool, Peony is the worst person we could have found.” The man snapped.

Sage growled and curled her lip. She stopped in her tracks, putting her hands on her hips. “You are saying that because she is a woman!” She said, malice dripping from her voice. Men always downplayed just how strong women could be.

“Of course I am!” The man cried and swung around to face her. “She is the first woman in Otanna to hold any sort of military power. She is also the first woman in centuries to hold such power in any of the surrounding kingdoms. The world is watching her. If she is allowed to be the vessel everyone will notice the change. Then we will be stopped before Heset’s return is complete. We need someone who will be little noticed.”

“Who do you suggest?” Sage understood the logic, but she would have liked to see the fierce young woman used as a vessel. Her mastery of animals and men’s confidence in her would have been invaluable. But a sudden change in the princess would cause heads to turn.

“King Laco of Mutar is under our sway. He trusts us as healers. He is completely absorbed in his oldest son, Lutfi, whose wife is about to have a baby. Everyone is occupied with Lutfi at the moment. Few are taking notice of his other son, Lucan. He is strong and fierce. We will have no problem getting close to him and doing it with barely any notice. Now come, we must return with haste to Mutar.”

* * * *
The black wolf had concealed herself among the shadows as the sorceress and her man spoke. She had heard everything.

The wolf now had two choices. She could follow them into Mutar and try to stop them. Or she could head for the Realm and alert the Angels and Fairies. The problem with the latter was it would take too long to reach the Realm. Much damage could be done by the time she reached the Haven of the Immortals. However, going into Mutar and trying to stop them could prove to be disastrous.

The wolf threw back her head and howled. It was no ordinary howl; no mortal wolf had ever made such a noise. Another mystic, unearthly howl echoed.

Nanook had heard her from his den in Hazqu. He was advising her to go into Mutar. Resigned, the she-wolf picked up the scent and began her trek southward after the man and woman.

* * * *
Don't call me stupid, but i'm having a hard time figuring who is who here. Obviously Peony is the 'good guy', but who's the 'bad guys'? the wolves? the shapeshifters? And what about that wizard or which or whatever from the beginning?
I haven't had much time to work on this story and I don't want it to fall through the cracks so I'm bumping this thread.
It's coming along nicely...

At the beginning of chapter 3 you say "The blond woman sat alone..." I am assuming that is a different woman than the one Peony helped out of the mud? I mainly assuming that because you go back to talk about Sage...but I'm just making sure I'm right
Artemis glided to the ground. She was close to the Realm, but she felt a need to stop near the borders of the forest. In the northern fields of Otanna King York had planted his sword in the earth. Artemis had been there the day King York, Queen Lothen, and Queen Sonja departed for the heavens. Now when she made her way from Hazqu to the Realm she made a point to stop and pay her respects to the last remaining piece of York.

In her eagle form Artemis landed upon Koyak Fields. She turned back into her human form and approached the sword. Upon the blade the words “Purity and Courage” were engraved.

Artemis went down on one knee and bowed to the sword. “My old friend,” She whispered. “It has been so long since you left this world.” Artemis rose and bent down to kiss the hilt of the sword.

The world had changed so much and yet it was still changing. Artemis did not like where things were headed. The sudden change in the animals was alarming and she hoped nothing serious was happening. The Immortals were not as powerful as they once had been.
The Pact of Otanna

(When I started writing this oh so long ago I decided to put a few myths of the lands within it. Here's the first one. A tale of how wolves came into the service of those in Otanna.)

Artemis created the animals and loved them as her children. She was especially fond of her wolves, but man was not. The mortals feared the hunters and killed them to keep their families safe.

Each time a wolf was killed Artemis felt a pang in her heart. She went to her favorite wolf, the great white alpha male, Nanook. She asked him a great favor. “My friend, I gave you life and made you an immortal among animals. Now for the welfare of your kin go and find a land where Man will leave you in peace.”

The wolf obeyed and left the safety of Hazqu, Artemis’s forest. He traveled first to Mutar where Man cast stones at him. Next Nanook went into Archon where Man tried to drive him to a watery grave on the banks of the river. Nanook still ventured forth and dared to enter Sera where Man threatened him with fire. Finally the wolf entered Otanna. The men there had already tamed the wild horses. Nanook stalked their forests and fields for sanctuary.

One day Prince Tasmat was hunting in the forest and he saw the white wolf take down a mighty stag. The prince was overcome with awe. “Lord Wolf,” he called and dismounted his steed. “You are surely a prized beast in some distant land, but I wish to see more of your kind here in Otanna. We have need of such fine hunters. In return your kind will be free to roam the lands only called upon when our need is dire. What say you, great hunter?”

Nanook threw back his head and sounded a mighty howl. Far and wide the other wolves heard him. They knew a safe home had been found.

So the wolves came from all over and settled in Otanna. As the prince promised they were never hunted or bothered and in return when the men of Otanna rode to war the strongest and swiftest wolves would follow. And as the years passed some wolves became loyal guardians to families and packs were raised in villages for protection. Thus it was that the men in Otanna were named the beast masters.
Chapter Four

The ride out of the forest was an easy one, although the rangers that accompanied Peony were ill at ease. The trouble in the forest and near the river had worried them all and now they sought help from the riders under Prince Pekar’s command. Pekar would welcome them simply because Peony was his beloved younger sister, but that fact did not erase the rivalry between the Otanrim Riders and the Tantarim Rangers.

The Otanrim were considered the finest fighting force in Otanna and the Tantarim were nothing more than tree climbing scouts on the borders. The Tantarim resented the mockery they endured at the hands of the riders and even the regular foot soldiers. Normally Peony would not bother with the riders, but something was wrong and perhaps they had some idea as to what.

The riders’ camp came into view as Peony, her four ranger companions, and a pack of five wolves took on the rolling hills of the plains. The sun had not yet begun its descent in the sky and it was likely the riders had finished their afternoon patrol and those who would ride in the evening were readying themselves. As the group of rangers rode forward Peony caught sight of two guards posted on the western side of the camp. They clearly saw Peony and her company.

The rangers moved their horses into a trot and quickly descended on the camp. The guards were a stout and burly man possibly in his thirties. He was attired in the traditional Otanrim helmet of bronze with the nose guard in the shape of a wolf’s tooth. He wore the brown leather jerkin and chain mail over the brown trousers that were customary of riders. The guard next to him was attired in the same fashion and at first Peony took the guard as a skinny young man, but as she slid from her saddle she saw it was clearly a young girl, not older than sixteen.

“What do rangers want in the prince’s camp?” The man asked, crossing his spear with the girl’s.

“We have news regarding the river and it is imperative we speak with Prince Pekar.”

“Then you must wait here while I announce you.” The man sneered.

Peony could reveal herself as the man’s princess, but his contempt would remain only be hidden. It would cause too much trouble to grace this fool with her presence. She would just let him hate the rangers and show disrespect to those that kept the borders.

“Wait here with Nikia until Prince Pekar is ready,” The man strode off leaving Peony and her rangers with the girl.

“You are awfully young to be a rider, are you not?” Mattes said, looking the young girl over and sliding from his saddle.

The girl puffed out her chest and drew herself up. She was still a head smaller than most of the rangers, except Peony. She was skinny, possibly too skinny, but Peony felt this girl was probably swift and that was a good trait in a rider and a scout.

“I am fifteen and there are many boys who take to the saddle and join the riders at fourteen.” Nikia was clearly insulted by Mattes.

“Those boys are also a good deal taller and probably stronger than you, little girl,” Grimly laughed.

“Silence,” Peony snapped, “A small woman can be just as fierce a fighter as a large man.”
The girl looked up at Peony and smiled. “You are the princess, are you not?”

Peony nodded slowly, “You recognize me? At least someone does, your counterpart did not seem to.”

“No, he did not. Though if he had his words would have softened, but his voice would still carry the hate of rangers and even you.”


“Why does that half witted guard have reason to hate Peony?” Gavin stepped toward Nikia. His eyes burned with anger. Peony was his friend, his commander, and no one had a right to hate her for no foreseeable reason.

“He hates Peony for being a woman and a commander, just as he hates me for being a woman and a rider. Jonas’s son was not able to good enough to be a rider and he was stuck among Prince Pearce’s foot soldiers and he believes it is my fault and that I robbed his son of a position.”

Gavin growled. He hated the ignorance of people like this Jonas. “Well he is a stubborn old fool and should show respect to those who protect the borders of Otanna and to any young woman who can pass the test to become a rider.”

“Peace, Gavin, let his keep his hate. You should know many of the riders do not accept us or women in their ranks.” Peony said, putting her hand on Gavin’s shoulder. Mattes, Joshua, and Grimly all nodded in agreement.

Peony stepped forward as she saw Jonas returning for within the camp. He bowed stiffly to Peony when he was before her. “Young princess, forgive me.” Though he bowed and apologized Peony still heard some contempt in his voice.

“Is my brother prepared to meet with us?”

“Prince Pekar bids you join him in his tent straight away. Follow me.” Jonas led Peony and her four rangers away from Nikia and through the small makeshift camp.

Pekar’s tent was the largest and in the center, outside stood one of his bodyguards. Inside the tent was just like any other though, except for the addition of a small transportable table where a few maps and letters were spread out. There was also a bedroll and a pack that kept any personal belongings, just like any rider’s tent. Pekar was sitting cross-legged in before the table. He looked up to Peony and jumped to his feet. He quickly embraced his sister before bidding her and her comrades to seat around the table.

“Jonas, you may return to your duty.” Jonas bowed and backed out of the tent.

“Your guard Jonas was not very hospitable toward us,” Gavin said.

“Excuse him. He is just a grumpy old man at times. But you did not come from the forest to tell me that. What important news do the rangers bring that your leader came with you?”

“We have come so far to inquire as to the wildlife of the plains.” Peony said.

Her brother raised his left eyebrow and stared long and hard at his sister. Had Peony gone mad out in the forest? “The wildlife?”

“It has fallen silent in the forest,” Peony continued, “A deadly and eerie silence. We believe some evil from the river is driving it away. We needed to find out if the animals on the plains have been acting oddly or if any even remain here.”

Pekar thought for a moment, he then clapped his hand and his bodyguard entered. “Sir?”

“Fetch Jonas and Nikia, take over their watch until I send them back.”

“Sir,” The guard repeated and left the tent.

“Jonas and Nikia are usually on guard duty during the day. If anyone has noticed any odd behavior it would be one of them.”