Honor, Life, and Love...

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"Don't just stand there gawking boy! get a move on!" teh man said shoving him

"you highness," one of the mone said in a whining nasily voice, "please...you mother will not be pleased." she was not intimidated like Hanna as she pulled the blanket away from her.
another girl came up and began to comb her hair that fell to beyond her waist.

"Yah England," he looked at her a smile on his face, "I'm William.. and you are?"
"I'm Christine." She said. "Well Sir William, will you kindly point me in the direction of the river? I would like to wash these clothes I found before I wear them." wearing some random person's clothes made her shutter especially because they were so dirty and she found them in the streets. Actually now that she thought about it, it probably wasnt a good idea wearing them at all, what if someone had somekind of disease who wore them first. She didnt know anything about this time period or England, all she could remember from old English was Shakespeare and the Black Plague. She was pretty sure they were after this time though. She thought for a moment then smiled. They had both happened in the 1600s. She was shocked she remembered this.
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THe woman took a deep breath and tried again ," Preincess, please, let us dress you as your mother has instructed."

The man was right Behind sam, "get the hourses woter fool!" hea barked as he stpped by a yoke and two buckets

"Sir William," the boy said, "Naw then that is a title I neve thought I'd hear next to my name." he was making fun of her...or so it would seem, "May I give you a bit of advice." he siad eyeing her up and down
"you do need new clothes," he said as he made a face at her jeans, "but not off the street like that. who knows who wore them and who knows what they had." he smiled asgain as he leaned against one of the buildings, "and you need some one around obviousely or you'll get pulled to peices down here." he nodded in one direction, "the river is that way."
Christine smiled, "Are you volunteering to help me find some clothes and show me around, or be my bodyguard?" She suggested.
"Uhhh.,... okay," he said, lifting the yoke and buckets. It was really heavy, he realized as he carried it out of the stables. He looked around for a faucet or something, nothing. His eyes stopped on a well, though. He didn't really know how to use a well, but how hard could it be?
"Oh yeah, um a bodyguard is like a protector...a knight? kind of." she suggested, she had only been joking, she would have to remember this next time and try to learn the lingo. "So will you help me please?" She asked smiling.
the Man stood waiting with his arms crossed over his huge chest

"A knight? first you call me sir then you call me a night...you are by far the strangest girl I have ever met...but yes I will help," he smiled, "gladly." he pushed off from the wall and started walking, "you comming?"
She wondered if that was a good thing or not. Then she hurried after him, "Thank you!" she said catching up with him.
Sam set the yoke down and pulled the rope expectantly. He could feel the weight on it, so he continued pulling. A minute or so later, the bucket was within reach. He poured the water into the bucket, some of it splashing out and onto him. The process was repeated and he managed to fill the other bucket.
"just a begger helping a fellow...whatever you are." he said smiling, "so why do you talk so funny?" he asked as he ducked into an alley way

"I dont have all day boy!" the man yelled tapping his foot
Sam lifted the even heavier load onto his shoulders, almost falling over from under the weight. He tried to go as fast as he could, but he almost tripped and spilled all the water, though he was able to catch himself before he did. He made it back to the stable, shaking slightly under the weight.
The man grunted as he fallowed Sam back into the stables, "well I think your stupid brain has started working a little so I'll leave but you better have all your work done by the time I;m back, boy."

"I can see that," William said, "I can hear it too. you talk funny, you use funny words and the worst part is youre clothing...its embaresing really."
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