Honor, Life, and Love...

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Olivia smiled, "thanks." She followed Hanna and tried not to trip over her dress

Jake glared at him again. He moved to the next row of patatoes
P{l reached down fo rthe potatos he was digging up and hit something very cold, wet, and squishy, "Ew," he said pulling his hand out of the hole with half a rottin potato stuck to his fingers, "oh that...that...that is grose."
Jake laughed and dug more.

Olivia stopped when they got to the stable. "That's my horse?" she asked, staring at the most beautiful horse she had ever seen.
Christine woke up an hour later. She sat up hoping it had been a dream. She groaned when she realized it hadnt been one. Then she panicked and looked around for William.
Olivia grinned. She walked over to the horse and pet him. She led him out of his pen and got on him. Its a good thing I know how to ride, she tought.
"Shopping," she said with a grin, " he decided he didn;t want any of us beein seen with you in those...things so he went to the market."

"Oh! Your Majesty," Hanna said alarmed, "let the stable boy saddle her up first."
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