Honor, Life, and Love...

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ooc: they are both orphans that were taken in by a farmer who is really not all that good. just a littel back story

Hanna stepped back trying not to look up but she couldn't help but a little glance.

Paul started falowing the boy, "where are we?" he asked
ooc. ok, so they are at the farm?

ic. Olivia smiled at Hanna. She spun around, "do you like it?"

"What do you mean where are we?" He asked slightly annoyed. "You are waiting to get beet again if you dont hurry."
ooc: yah they are going out to harvist the potatos

Hanna's eyes shot back down to her toes, "It looks very nice on you your majesty."

Paul rubbed his head, "a beeting what?"
Olivia smiled slightly. "Thanks." She still had no idea why she was calling her your magesty.

He rolled his eyes, "the potatoes, we need to harvest them. Now get up," he said hudging Paul with his foot.
"Any where you like," William said, "The blanketsw are clean...or as clean as they can be. there's nothing to worry about."

Hanna stopped and stared at Olivia, "your majest?"

Paul fallowed the kid with no more protest
"Um, where can I walk? Can I just walk around?" Olivia asked. Getting extreamly confused

He lead Paul to a patch of potatoes. "We dig them up then put them in the bucket," he said pointing to the wooden bucket.
Hanna didn't say anything she just stared at Olivia

"this is so wrong." he said as he got down on his hands and knees and started digging

"if it's good enough for us it's good enough for you unless you would prefer to sleep standing up." one of the girls said
"Um, where's my horse?" Olivia asked, noticing how Hanna was looking at her.

He shot Paul another glare and started digging.
"In the stable." Hanna said trying to make her eyes go back to thier normal size

"Ok then pick a pile and its yours," William said giving the girl a dirty look.

Paul just grunted. what was he doing here...but exactly where was here?

ooc: I am going to have to go in a matter of minutes here :(
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