Honor, Life, and Love...

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"Oh... okay..." Sam looked down at himself, he was covered in horse droppings. "Ewww..." he muttered, flinching slightly.
"Well, thanks.. but I don't think that would be the best idea.. I've kinda already been yelled at today, so I think I take care of these horses."
Olivia road back into the stable, she was going to get some answers. She jumped of the horse and stopped. "Samuel!" She ran over to him and pulled him into a hug.
"Olivia!!" he said, grinning widely. "I was so worried!" He looked at the girl. 'Thanks!" he pulled Olivia out of the stable, still smiling,
"You were worried? I've been freaking out! Everyone has been treaying my like I'm some princess or something!" She looked at him. "How'd you get so dirty?"
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