Honor, Life, and Love...

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She smiled and curtsied back. "Nice to meet you." She said politely. She was dying to tell Paul about what happened.
"I will try. But at a later date. You two seem to have a lot to talk about and I need to get more of the potatoes out of the ground before my father comes looking for me." She gave them both a curtsy and a nod and wonderd back over to her basket and potatoes.
Christine smiled at the girl thankfully. After she finished telling Paul, she decided she would help her, so she could finish quicker. She turned to Paul and in a hushed voice told him everything that had happened to her. "I shouldnt have said anything." She said when she finished she had come close to tears more than once while recalling her story but being with Paul made her calmer. At least she wasnt alone anymore.
Olivia cursed silently and turned around. She didn't want to go back to that "place". Why did everyone seem to think she was royalty or something. She sighed and kept going
he stood there still emotionliss for about a second then as if something clicked he started hopping around ans stomping one foot, "Holy Crap...oh...holy crap....Christine....Holy Crap!"
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