Honor, Life, and Love...

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ooc: good, so you do know :D yah well what else is he supposed to think superstition was a juge thing back then. well loverble you can be anyone you want really. right now the four friends are all aeperated. Paul is digging potatoes in a field, Sam is mucking out a stall, Christine is thought to be a witch, and Olivia is on her horse going for a ride. you can jump in with any of those story lines

William just stood there then he ran back to the others to tell them about her
ooc: Erm... I shall be the farmers daughter? And help with the potatoes?

Name: Beatrix
Age: 17
Bio: A farmers hand for her father. She helps out with everything when he needs it. She also helps her mother and siblings with the household work.
ooc: o ok....yeah i figured he would think that..but it will take her a minute to realize that...plus she's scared.
also if he went back to the others he would have run into her again....so...

When Christine was leaving the others after getting her stuff she saw William again.
Paul had almost filled his bucket. his arms were covered in dert up to his elbows and he grimiced at the smell of the grownd. it wsn't just dirt it was dirt mixed with old fasion fetalizer

he paused and clenched his jaw his hands in fists at his side. he just glared at her from a safe distance.
Larson walked up behind her, "what is warong with him?" he asked
"Get away from ehr!" William ordered
Betrix walked out over to the new boy helping out in the feilds that her father had told her about. "Young sir, are you finding your way around alright? I have been sent by my father to help."
Paul jumped to his feet at the voice then smiled weekly, "oh uhm...well...uhm..." he was trying to figure out how to say thing the way it would be said in this time...but he didnt't exactly know what this time was.
"It seems your head is out of place. I am Beatrix" She gave him a sweet smile and a small curtsy. It was not often that she was given the oppertunity to talk to someone new. Her father didun't like her to go into the village. Too meny ruffians.
Then it hit Christine. "William, I'm not what you think!" She said. How could she have been so stupid. "Just listen." She said pleading.
"Ye...uhm...Pleased to make your accuaintance," he said. it sounded so strange, "My name is Paul."

"Stop right there!" he said and Lars slowly backed away from her.
"Willima what is this?" he asked a littel spooked. there were eyes on tehm now. nearly everyone in teh busy street was watching them
"William please?" She pleaded. "I can tell you what happened, but not here. It's nothing like what you think though." She promised. Tears were coming back. "If it is, you can do whatever you want." How could she be anyone from around her, even a witch would fit in and know everything.
"ah...yes go wtih you so you can bewitch me?" he laughed, "think again, I'm not that stupid." he said and the crowd started sturring at his words. Lars gasped from behind her and his eyes grew wide, "A witch?" he asked
Christine could see he wasnt going to believe her. How was she going to get out of this. She wanted to get away before anyone noticed. Tears were falling down her face and she was clearly embarrassed by the attention. She backed away from him. "I dont know what you're talking about, I would never hurt you, William, you've helped me so much." She said continuing to back away. She wondered where Paul, Sam,adn Olivia were. She wanted more than anything to go home. How could he accuse her of this he wasnt thinking about it at all, she would never have needed his help finding her friends or fitting in if she was a witch.
"Is that one of your trick?" he asked, "try to make me fall for that pretended emoion?" he was hard...cold.

"That's be great," Paul sighed, "I really...have no clue what I'm doing."
Christine didnt know what to say. She was now even with an alleyway and took off down it. She was glad she was in good shape. The dress didnt slow her down. She didnt stop running until she was out of the town. Once she was she collapsed and began to cry. She was scared and didnt know what to do.
William just watched her as Lars walked up to him ,"Is she trully?" he asked
"How else would she have made that rock or whatever it was do that." he said
Lars nodded, "should we tell teh authorities?"
Will shook his head, "no...just don't let her near you."
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