How many different ways can a bunny be made using a keyboard?

You all have WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much time on your hands...WAY TOO MUCH! waaaaaaaaaaaay waaaaaaaaaaaaay waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time. Like (=':')<---that-does-not-look-like-a-bunny-in-any-way-shape-or-form too much time on your hands!:eek:

I dont.. >.> I dont sit at my comp making bunny drawings and such with the keyboard. :p
(,(")(") <-This is George. He is my bunny. Try to take him and you're dead. And please don't insult him. George has tender feelings. (and why does he have tender feelings? Is it perhaps he's been ABUSED or NEGLECTED? I'm calling animal control, because George looks emancipated to me...or maybe...*gasp* dead! YOU MURDERER! *calls ASPCA from Animal Planet*)
Slp, you just made me fall out of my chair laughing. That win's quote of the year.

I happen to know what bunny's look like here, and that is no bunny.
No, it's because...uh...*looks around nervously*...he was abused before I go thim.

I KNEW IT! *ASPCA arrives* We're going to have to take George from you, he'll be much happier and safer with us, as for you, if we find that you haven't been BEATING him or STARVING him or DEHYDRATING him, you may be released of all charges of animal abuse, but...I'm afraid by how emancipated he is, we'll have to arrest you.

*another ASPCA offcer* You have the right to remain silent. All you say can and will be held against you in a court of law. *pulls out handcuffs*

(don't ask me how I know all this!)

Slp, you just made me fall out of my chair laughing. That win's quote of the year.

I happen to know what bunny's look like here, and that is no bunny.

*bows* thank you...

I had a bunny. She was really cute. She used to hop around our yard, and bite me and she'd never eat the carrots I gave her. She'd never let me hold her, and she'd claw me if I got to close. I loved that bunny, but she got infected with maggots, and almost went to a better place, but no, God wanted to keep her here, and she healed, so, the bunny that d me, we gave away to a better place...she went back to a petting zoo.:) She's much happier now. (She still bites the little childeren and scratches them, sometimes making 'em bleed, man I loved that bunny.)

Well, it's breed must be extinct, because there's no more in the world that look like that!

It's probably a mix between a hare and a jack-rabbit!