How many different ways can a bunny be made using a keyboard?

SlpNarniaQueen said:
I had a bunny. She was really cute. She used to hop around our yard, and bite me and she'd never eat the carrots I gave her. She'd never let me hold her, and she'd claw me if I got to close. I loved that bunny, but she got infected with maggots, and almost went to a better place, but no, God wanted to keep her here, and she healed, so, the bunny that d me, we gave away to a better place...she went back to a petting zoo.:) She's much happier now. (She still bites the little childeren and scratches them, sometimes making 'em bleed, man I loved that bunny.)
It sound's like I'd get along real well with that one. He he...
He doesn't have rabies anymore. I had him cured of it. But cute little George still sometimes acts like he still has it. So I'm keeping him. I don't want him hurting ASPCA people or anyone else.
He doesn't have rabies anymore. I had him cured of it. But cute little George still sometimes acts like he still has it. So I'm keeping him. I don't want him hurting ASPCA people or anyone else.

George is a danger to this neighborhood, and it's our job, as the ASPCA to keep the people of this neighborhood safe. We'll take him into our custody, see if we can train him to be a better pet after the you've put him through. We have the right to custody of George.
This is seriously lol worthy.
SlpNarniaQueen said:
How would you get along with her? You bite?
I haven't met a good soul mate in a long time, and she sounds pretty dreamy... After all, sharp claws and strong teeth and make a pretty great combo!
This is seriously lol worthy.

I haven't met a good soul mate in a long time, and she sounds pretty dreamy... After all, sharp claws and strong teeth and make a pretty great combo! bunny is the soul mate for Protag...I'm sure the petting zoo wouldhate to lose such a wonderful, violent animal...

Though, my duck bit me too, and my fifth hamster...but my fifth hamster was a guy, and the duck...we won't go into the gender of the duck. My lamb was nice...but she left with the petting zoo.

I keep him safe in the house and give him a nice meal every day and always give him fresh water and play with him. I am very patient with George. He's mine. You can't have him.

We just need to do a few background checks, we'll bring him back once you provide a sutable pet environement, and come check on you every week. We suggest a cage...
I keep him safe in the house and give him a nice meal every day and always give him fresh water and play with him. I am very patient with George. He's mine. You can't have him.
I keep him safe in the house and give him a nice meal every day and always give him fresh water and play with him. I am very patient with George. He's mine. You can't have him.

He has his own room where he is very comfortable, and you can't have him.

*cough* Ma'am may I suggest a counseler, for your...Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, over...*cough* an almost dead, emancipated, TEXT bunny?
George doesn't like tight clothes. I don't either.
And stop trying to "suggest" things, you're just a bunch of mean people who don't care about bunnies! *sobs*
g2g, I'm taking George w/ me so you can't take him.
George doesn't like tight clothes. I don't either.
And stop trying to "suggest" things, you're just a bunch of mean people who don't care about bunnies! *sobs*
g2g, I'm taking George w/ me so you can't take him.

*cough* That's what you think...*cough**tootsila falls asleep and awakes in a white heaven with a tight white jacket, and no George*

Hold on... Your the leader of the duct tape people? Now that explains everything!

Duct tape is cool...*sighs dreamily* ahhhhhhhhh, the duct tape wars we had...
*cough* That's what you think...*cough**tootsila falls asleep and awakes in a white heaven with a tight white jacket, and no George*

Duct tape is cool...*sighs dreamily* ahhhhhhhhh, the duct tape wars we had...
Call me Abby. That's why I have my name in my sig.
*escapes from horible white "heaven" and horrible tight jacket, and goes to rescue George from the mean, heartless bunnynappers!
Ah, all those CD-ROM games did me good for once. :p
It's OK George, the mean people won't get you again.

And since when were you a member of the Order of the Duct Tape? According to my records, you are not. And you were never involved in any of those fights. But you're right, they were fun. :D