How many guys are here???

ReturnofHarvestar said:
Oh, I better inform everyone incase people mistaken me again. I'm a guy.

The girls are invading! *retreats* :rolleyes:

I KNEW THAT!!!!! *lol* Good me... :D

*leaves thread* Sorry guys..
ReturnofHarvestar said:
Must have been the ASCII, but no one remembers.

<('.'<)(^'.'<) (^'.'^) <( '.' )> (^'.'^) (>'.'^)(>'.')>

WAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I REMEMBER THAT!!!!! :eek: Ooh, sorry... *leaves again* :eek:
ReturnofHarvestar said:
Aww.. You couldn't have. I don't think so. It was during the costume party or something.

EXACTLY!!!! *lol*

Okay, I really have to leave this thread now, I don't NM to get mad at me... :rolleyes:
NightMystic said:
And the reason for that would be????????????????? ROFLOL
I tend to think everyone on here is a girl, untill proven other wise! :D (there are alot more girls than there are boys, so I do have a reason!)
I tend to believe that everyone here is a guy. Until proven otherwise. ^_^

But I think it's true, there are more girls on these type of boards,
or what I have seen. But I haven't been on these.
(There is a clan I attend to, that's why I slowed down on narnia fans.)
I used to be in the so called 'Golden Age of RPG's' Almost a year ago...
LifeMaiden said:
Is it just ME or do there seem to be a lot more girls on this forum than guys? are absolutely right, LM. Where exactly did I lose control of this thread for the guys? :rolleyes: