How many guys are here???

tottyfruitty said:
lmfo! aww its not quantity but quality! :rolleyes:

That explains a lot. The guys have the quality while the girls have the quantity. LM is an exception though.

Great the last 2+ pages have all been girls posting. OK...I give up. Lock the thread. I quit!!! Finished!!! End!!! Finito!!!
It supposed to be about the guys on the boards. Hello I'm male. Not sure what you all want to know, but yes. I am a male, lol.

The big difference is that the girls decided that a guys thread was far too threatening. They feared us. They think that if we have one guy thread that TDL will just collapse into an all-guy forum. :p ;)
NightMystic said:
The big difference is that the girls decided that a guys thread was far too threatening. They feared us. They think that if we have one guy thread that TDL will just collapse into an all-guy forum.
I believe there was once a guy thread in a galaxy far away but we took over it and made the guys wear makeup. We also did their nails and made them wear facial masks ;)

Ah those were the good old days :rolleyes:

tgraveline said:
It supposed to be about the guys on the boards. Hello I'm male. Not sure what you all want to know, but yes. I am a male, lol.


You're a male?! :eek:
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