How old are you?

I think I am and have been the old guy here, only I haven't been here lately, but the Lord drew me back. Anyway, I am 76 years old, a retired pastor and Bible College professor.
FINALLY, somebody here who's a few years my senior!

We remember black-and-white television, rotary telephones and station wagons!
Remembering going to the movies was 10 cents, candy bars were .05 cents, penny candy really was a penny. "I Love Lucy" was reruns on Nickelodeon. Gas was .15 cents/gallon. Man, I'm older than I thought!!! ROTFLMDO. By the way, Copperfox, I do remember you from before. Guess there isn't too many of the old gang still around. I finally retired from full-time pastoring and Bible College professor, so it was time to return to Narnia. Think I'll get ahold of some I know that I communicate with often and see if I can persuade them to return as well, especially those who helped plan and organize the Narnia Convention years ago at Biola University. Great times with great friends. I still have my Narnia Fans tshirt from back then, although it is old and frayed. Anymore of them around? LOL!!!
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