How old are you?

I'm 19, but will be 20 in November! That seems a bit scary, 20 always seemed like it was really far away, but now it's less than 5 months away! :eek:
Young enough to remember that there are special interactions between men and women, but too old for most women to be interested. :(
Thank you, little salty-heart.

As a matter of fact, on my second day at the Renaissance Festival, it looked for a fleeting moment as if I did have a prospect. There was a lady playing a harp for the customers, and I was trying to help gather customers to listen to her. She proved to be _exactly_ my age, and was _very_ good-looking for fifty-seven. She began acting as if she felt interested in me....but unfortunately, she revealed an obsession with astrology, not a promising thing for a relationship with a Christian man.