Idea for PC trailer!


New member
Here's an idea for a PC trailer i came up with- I hope you enjoy!

Standard green background "the following preview" announcement. (5 sec)

Golden Disney logo appears accompanied by the sound of Queen Susan's horn. (4 sec)

A long tracking shot-Young Prince Caspian, cloaked on horseback in the pouring rain, races through the night woods of Narnia. (5 sec)

Walden Media logo and accompanying music. (3 sec)

Long aerial sweeping shot of Miraz's castle at dusk. (3 sec)

Fade to black, the words slowly appear: "ONCE A KING OR QUEEN OF NARNIA..." (3 sec)

The Island-Waves drawn by eastern winds break against the sandy beaches of a tranquil island. (2 sec)

Cair Paravel-The Pevensie siblings walk through a gleaming sunlit apple orchard in the ruins of an old castle. (2 sec)

Cut to a musty corner of the old castle from within heaped with ancient treasure, including gold, silver, various gems, crowns and swords. (2 sec)

Fade to black, the words slowly appear: "ALWAYS A KING OR QUEEN OF NARNIA" (3 sec)

Prince Caspian's chambers-Fade into a warm room with gentle firelight; Cornelius kneels at Caspian's bedside. Doctor Cornelius: "I wonder why you have never asked me before," Prince Caspian looks upward with interest and concern, "why, being the son of King Caspian, you are not King Caspian yourself." (8 sec)

The Island-Edmund, in full armour, clashes swords with Trumpkin. (1 sec)

Aslan's How-A Werewolf draws a circle of blue fire in a cave (1 sec)

Prince Caspian's Chambers-Doctor Cornelius: "Miraz is a usurper." Caspian begins to look afraid. "When your royal mother died, he declared himself Lord Protector." (4 sec)

The Island-Young Queen Susan takes aim, camera facing her and following the arrow shot from her bow, which targets a squabbling telmarine standing in a rowboat. (1 sec)

Beaversdam-Caspian embraces his old nurse. (1 sec)

Prince Caspian's Chambers-Caspian throws clothes and materials into a sack. Doctor Cornelius: "Now the Telmarines have made him their King..." (2 sec)

(Voiceover of Cornelius continued: "...and he has begun to destroy what is left of Narnia.") Beruna-Trees set ablaze burn in the aftermath of an attack by Miraz's army, troops of whom emerge effortlessly from the clouds of smoke. (3 sec)

Fade to black, pause, fade into Dancing Lawn.

Dancing Lawn-The creatures that lived in hiding, gathered at bonfire. Glenstorm the Centaur: "The time is ripe." Close up on Glenstorm's face. "I watch the skies," as camera slowly tilts up toward the night sky to reveal a bright mass yet distinctive of two stars, "Tarva and Alambil have met in the halls of high heaven."

Beruna-The Lords Glozelle and Sopespian accompany King Miraz to the battlefield. (1 sec)

Aslan's How-Trumpkin: "We are no match for their army." (2 sec)

Beruna-Hundreds of cavalry race along the outskirts of Beruna bearing the flag of Miraz.

Aslan's How-Caspian, Trumpkin, Nikabrik, Trufflehunter and Cornelius gather in the depths of the caves. Nikabrik: "Either Aslan is dead, or he is not on our side."

Glasswater-Shadows of a fierce lion, that accompany a roar, vanish in the depths of a woods.

Aslan's How-Dr. Cornelius: "If ever help was needed most, may it be now." Prince Caspian pauses, then turns to an opening in the rocks and blows Queen Susan's horn into the sky. (8 sec)

England-The four Pevensie children arise from a train station. (3 sec)

Beruna-Lucy and Susan inconspicuously approach the battlefield. Peter charges Miraz.

King Miraz's Castle-Fireworks ignite the midnight sky. (1 sec)

King Miraz's Quarters-Queen Prunaprismia holds her newborn infant boy. (1 sec)

River Rush-In the morning fog, Miraz draws his sword upon his brother, Caspian IX. (1 sec)

Beruna-Both armies fight to the death in the battlefield.

Against the background of the battlefield the words "The Chronicles of Narnia" appear followed by "Prince Caspian." (12 sec)

I LOVE IT!!! IT TOTALLY ROCKS!!!! I think it could be somewhat rearranged, just slightly, but I LOVE IT!!! Somehow, you gotta send that into Walden!!! It rocks!! U R AWESOME!!

I can picture it all in my mind......but for some reason Caspian's face isn't there.....oh, maybe because he hasn't been cast yet.....;)
wow! i got the chills the first time that i saw the L.W.W. trailor and just reading this i git them all over, i think some of the fight with caspian,cornelius,truffelhunter vs. nikabrik,the hag, and the warewolf, should be in it.

that's one of the scenes that i've always imagined in my head, i have hundreds of ideas for it!
If they don't have a trailer that gives me chills like that, I will be highly upset. Get this into Walden before they, God forbid, do something worse. I really like this idea, and hope that it has a chance. Hail Caspian!
I don't know if i'm really up to it to sending this to walden, they probably won't care anyway. :(

But is someone else wants to, they can take the plate and send this to walden. Don't bother giving me credit, i don't really care ;)
All I need to do is copy the basic format, send it in saying "I did not make this up a friend of mine did. They wish to remain anonymous."

I swear that thing is so good Walden needs to see it!!!
And since it is Walden, they will be more open to ideas that Disney, from what I have seen. :)

I will send it to them as soon as I can!!!
I will tell them that "A Narnia Freak from came up with it and we all thought you should use it."

I promise I will. ;) You did an excellent job and it deserves to be shown to the movie-makers!!!!
Narniafreak152 said:
Here's an idea for a PC trailer i came up with- I hope you enjoy!

Standard green background "the following preview" announcement. (5 sec)

Golden Disney logo appears accompanied by the sound of Queen Susan's horn. (4 sec)

A long tracking shot-Young Prince Caspian, cloaked on horseback in the pouring rain, races through the night woods of Narnia. (5 sec)

Walden Media logo and accompanying music. (3 sec)

Long aerial sweeping shot of Miraz's castle at dusk. (3 sec)

Fade to black, the words slowly appear: "ONCE A KING OR QUEEN OF NARNIA..." (3 sec)

The Island-Waves drawn by eastern winds break against the sandy beaches of a tranquil island. (2 sec)

Cair Paravel-The Pevensie siblings walk through a gleaming sunlit apple orchard in the ruins of an old castle. (2 sec)

Cut to a musty corner of the old castle from within heaped with ancient treasure, including gold, silver, various gems, crowns and swords. (2 sec)

Fade to black, the words slowly appear: "ALWAYS A KING OR QUEEN OF NARNIA" (3 sec)

Prince Caspian's chambers-Fade into a warm room with gentle firelight; Cornelius kneels at Caspian's bedside. Doctor Cornelius: "I wonder why you have never asked me before," Prince Caspian looks upward with interest and concern, "why, being the son of King Caspian, you are not King Caspian yourself." (8 sec)

The Island-Edmund, in full armour, clashes swords with Trumpkin. (1 sec)

Aslan's How-A Werewolf draws a circle of blue fire in a cave (1 sec)

Prince Caspian's Chambers-Doctor Cornelius: "Miraz is a usurper." Caspian begins to look afraid. "When your royal mother died, he declared himself Lord Protector." (4 sec)

The Island-Young Queen Susan takes aim, camera facing her and following the arrow shot from her bow, which targets a squabbling telmarine standing in a rowboat. (1 sec)

Beaversdam-Caspian embraces his old nurse. (1 sec)

Prince Caspian's Chambers-Caspian throws clothes and materials into a sack. Doctor Cornelius: "Now the Telmarines have made him their King..." (2 sec)

(Voiceover of Cornelius continued: "...and he has begun to destroy what is left of Narnia.") Beruna-Trees set ablaze burn in the aftermath of an attack by Miraz's army, troops of whom emerge effortlessly from the clouds of smoke. (3 sec)

Fade to black, pause, fade into Dancing Lawn.

Dancing Lawn-The creatures that lived in hiding, gathered at bonfire. Glenstorm the Centaur: "The time is ripe." Close up on Glenstorm's face. "I watch the skies," as camera slowly tilts up toward the night sky to reveal a bright mass yet distinctive of two stars, "Tarva and Alambil have met in the halls of high heaven."

Beruna-The Lords Glozelle and Sopespian accompany King Miraz to the battlefield. (1 sec)

Aslan's How-Trumpkin: "We are no match for their army." (2 sec)

Beruna-Hundreds of cavalry race along the outskirts of Beruna bearing the flag of Miraz.

Aslan's How-Caspian, Trumpkin, Nikabrik, Trufflehunter and Cornelius gather in the depths of the caves. Nikabrik: "Either Aslan is dead, or he is not on our side."

Glasswater-Shadows of a fierce lion, that accompany a roar, vanish in the depths of a woods.

Aslan's How-Dr. Cornelius: "If ever help was needed most, may it be now." Prince Caspian pauses, then turns to an opening in the rocks and blows Queen Susan's horn into the sky. (8 sec)

England-The four Pevensie children arise from a train station. (3 sec)

Beruna-Lucy and Susan inconspicuously approach the battlefield. Peter charges Miraz.

King Miraz's Castle-Fireworks ignite the midnight sky. (1 sec)

King Miraz's Quarters-Queen Prunaprismia holds her newborn infant boy. (1 sec)

River Rush-In the morning fog, Miraz draws his sword upon his brother, Caspian IX. (1 sec)

Beruna-Both armies fight to the death in the battlefield.

Against the background of the battlefield the words "The Chronicles of Narnia" appear followed by "Prince Caspian." (12 sec)


That sounds amazing.You should pitch it to Walden Media!
drummer_girl said:
All I need to do is copy the basic format, send it in saying "I did not make this up a friend of mine did. They wish to remain anonymous."

I swear that thing is so good Walden needs to see it!!!
And since it is Walden, they will be more open to ideas that Disney, from what I have seen. :)

I will send it to them as soon as I can!!!
I will tell them that "A Narnia Freak from came up with it and we all thought you should use it."

I promise I will. ;) You did an excellent job and it deserves to be shown to the movie-makers!!!!

He he, no problem. Do whatever you want with it. I don't have much time on my hands, so i don't mind ;)
I really think you should send this to Walden. And if you ever wanted a job in filming, then I think you should take credit. But if the preview isn't anything like this, I don't think I'll enjoy it as much.
That's some pretty well though-out "sketch". I loved it! it's totally awesome and you have a great mind with picturing things and making them flow. :D

suggestion: maybe a snippet of baby Caspian in the boat.....
just a suggestion.... :p
