Introduction Thread II

This is pretty much my first time posting here, even though I registered in February.
PM me or leave me a visitor message if you want to talk to me! I love to talk with other Narnia fans. :)
Hello! I've been coming to Narniafans for about a year now for updates on the movies. Just now decided to look at the forum and have found the dancing lawn to be awesome so I had to register.
Hello! I've been coming to Narniafans for about a year now for updates on the movies. Just now decided to look at the forum and have found the dancing lawn to be awesome so I had to register.
Welcome ESA! I am glad you found us! May I ask what ESA stand for?
Yes you may. ESA stands for Eastern Sierra Academy, my twenty-five student body high school. I finally picked this username because throughout this year I've been helping the fight to keep my school from being closed by our prejudge superintendant who wants all the students to go to another high school.

Ultimately my school was in a way closed, but it was one of those God moves in mysterious ways moments. Instead of my school being completely closed, it's instead merging with a completely different high school. This other high school was full of bad teachers and students that didn't respect them. Now that were merging, all of those students can have the same benefits that I've had at the Academy.

Sorry if I wrote a little more than I had to.
Hi, I'm new! I'm excited to be here... Where would one start, as a newbie? It's a big forum and I'm a tad confused :p
Lavanya, if you go most of the way down the starting page, you'll find the major section called Professor's Writing Club. This is where we put everybody's creative writing, both prose and poetry. Some of the writings are about Narnia, some are about other fantasy worlds, and some are in a real-world setting. See what you like there; and when you post comments on the topic threads, you will be gaining site seniority for yourself. Soon, then, you will be authorized to create threads for yourself--which will mean you can offer your own compositions in the Writing Club.