Introduction Thread II

Hi All!

Hi Everyone!

I'm new here so I'll just say a few things about myself. I live on a farm so I have tons of animals so I love animals, I also love Piano and a ton of other things (Lord of the rings, Inheritance cycle and of course Narnia, etc.)
I took my first trip into Narnia about 6 years ago while looking for a book to read on a road trip at our local Wal-Mart and since then I have been hooked!
Alright I'll quit talking now. ;)

I can't wait to meet all of you and enjoy some good duffering!:D
Lisa / NF4L
Lisa, beware of the shameless plug! I mean MY shameless plug. If you go most of the way down the starting page, to the major section called "Professor's Writing Club," you can find in that section a topic thread called "Sonnets Here, In-House." Most of the poems there are "snapshots" of members of this forum; thus they will help you get acquainted.

Hello everyone. My handle, as you can see, is FelipeMarcusThomas, but you can call me FMT. I've been a lurker :o of these forums for a wee while, and thought it was about time that I joined. I've already received a couple of private messages, from narnia56 and from Glenburne, welcoming me aboard. For that, I thank them :).

To say a few things about myself: I've been a long time fan of the books, having grown up on them (I'm 55 :eek:). In all my life, there have been only two movies that I have seen on opening night (you should be able to guess which two they were from the fact that I hope to make it three this coming December).

I look forward to some engaging, courteous discussions :cool: on these forums, though it will probably be a while before I jump in.
Some may already know me from other sites, some may not. However, do not fear if you don't, you will learn soon enough through my posts ;)
Just checking, what has one to do in order to be able to open topics ;) ? Reading all the introduction topics and faqs didn't help me much there.
Hello everyone. My handle, as you can see, is FelipeMarcusThomas, but you can call me FMT. I've been a lurker :o of these forums for a wee while, and thought it was about time that I joined. I've already received a couple of private messages, from narnia56 and from Glenburne, welcoming me aboard. For that, I thank them :).

To say a few things about myself: I've been a long time fan of the books, having grown up on them (I'm 55 :eek:). In all my life, there have been only two movies that I have seen on opening night (you should be able to guess which two they were from the fact that I hope to make it three this coming December).

I look forward to some engaging, courteous discussions :cool: on these forums, though it will probably be a while before I jump in.

Welcome FMT!
One of the beauties of The Chronicles is that they can be thoroughly enjoyed at any age or stage of life. (by the way, I'm the year of the horse, in the same cycle as you)

I remember joining all the other Narnia diehard fans at the midnight opening of Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe with my son. He had been recovering from the end of a cold so he had stayed home from school but after sleeping all day was Wide Awake.

have fun on the Dancing Lawn!
Apparently my account is privileged??? I don't get why??? Can someone tell me please coz i'm getting anoyed! :confused: :mad:
There really is no cure for that. I remember when I caught the privilege also. I was about eight years.... OK, never mind. This is not about me. All you can do is try to post as much as you can everywhere where posts count towards your total. Posts on this section and the Land of Duffers don't cont towards that. Once you reach ten posts, the privilegenes will wear off. Try it.:D


About the top half of the starter screen
Belongs to things directly Narnian,
From printed page to shooting some new scene;
Then scroll on down and you can party on.

The Inklings, Mister Lewis and his friends,
Are talked about, plus Fantasy at large.
"Socratic" topics look at means and ends;
Then Prayer Requests are handled by the barge.

The Lamp Post is a place where you'll immerse
Yourself in vast variety of themes.
Professor's Writing Club has prose and verse,
While Brush of Unicorn gives form to dreams.

In "Duffers" you can practice randomness;
Now start exploring here, and Aslan bless!