Introduction Thread II

hello everyone!
Blast from the past here...what can I say, it's been a while...
things seem to be going from strength to strength here, glad to sse not all of the names are unfamiliar, very cool!
I might have a little wander about and make a nuisance of myself for a bit...see you soon!
Rosy x
hi I'm dusty's sister. umm she said to tell everyone a little bit about me. so i will.I looooooooooooooooove the band paramore and i love hippos and cheetahs as well ha ha :D my nickname is pickles i got that nick name from my dad when i was really little because I ate a whole jar of pickles ha ha ha ha anyway I'm not really a narnia fan but I'm gonna try to get into it.i like video games and i used to be on a video game forum but there were only really mean boys on there and i was being kicked off for some reason??? they said i wasn't making posts about video games?!?!?! sorry I'm talking everyones ear of with stuff sorry:o well i just wanna say something to copperfox if he goes to this post i really like the sonnet you made me it's very nice reagan read it to me last night. anyway you'll probably learn more about me later on.

p.s. my real name is hazel;)
No need to apologize, Hazel-Alias-Pickles! It's good to get acquainted. I'm glad that you were pleased by that sonnet; and if you go through my topic-thread for sonnets, you'll find that it gives personality descriptions of many of your new forum-neighbors.
hi I'm dusty's sister. umm she said to tell everyone a little bit about me. so i will.I looooooooooooooooove the band paramore and i love hippos and cheetahs as well ha ha :D my nickname is pickles i got that nick name from my dad when i was really little because I ate a whole jar of pickles ha ha ha ha anyway I'm not really a narnia fan but I'm gonna try to get into it.i like video games and i used to be on a video game forum but there were only really mean boys on there and i was being kicked off for some reason??? they said i wasn't making posts about video games?!?!?! sorry I'm talking everyones ear of with stuff sorry:o well i just wanna say something to copperfox if he goes to this post i really like the sonnet you made me it's very nice reagan read it to me last night. anyway you'll probably learn more about me later on.

p.s. my real name is hazel;)
Welcome to the forum Hazel!!
Some boy video game players sometimes feel threatened by girl players. Don't ask me why. I am a video game nut (always have been) and I am in another forum for that and I know them. Don't worry about it though, just keep being yourself!!

In the lampost section, you could start a thread about video games and what are your favorites. You'll see we have a lot of gamers here too, and here they are all nice!!!

Anyway, stick around and post. Welcome again!!!
hi I'm dusty's sister. umm she said to tell everyone a little bit about me. so i will.I looooooooooooooooove the band paramore and i love hippos and cheetahs as well ha ha :D my nickname is pickles i got that nick name from my dad when i was really little because I ate a whole jar of pickles ha ha ha ha anyway I'm not really a narnia fan but I'm gonna try to get into it.i like video games and i used to be on a video game forum but there were only really mean boys on there and i was being kicked off for some reason??? they said i wasn't making posts about video games?!?!?! sorry I'm talking everyones ear of with stuff sorry:o well i just wanna say something to copperfox if he goes to this post i really like the sonnet you made me it's very nice reagan read it to me last night. anyway you'll probably learn more about me later on.

p.s. my real name is hazel;)

Welcome, Hazel. :) One thing I like about this forum is that it is not completely Narnia centered. There's space for lots of other stuff too. Feel free to wander and have fun.
Lossendil, who just posted a welcome-to-newcomers message, is herself a fine example of how much REAL-WORLD interest is to be found on this forum. She has extensive knowledge of Chinese history and civilization.

this is for my friend Nick he's from another site I'm on yay I asked him to read my alice and wonderland story and I guess he join our site :] Nick you need to post in here to be able to be on of us.
I did the email thing already =D I ended up asking a mod to activate me about 24 hours later. Anyways I'm here.... uhhhhh.... as you may have guessed it im Nick.
Hi! I understand that I'm supposed to introduce myself to ya'll. **Drum roll please.** My name is Sarah. Further info can be found at my profile. Thanks to all who have sent me welcome messages!
As a new member I must post here.. Well, let's do it, though I'm very shy.

I have been a fan of Tolkien for five years, and that is how I learned about CS Lewis. It is only this year that I became more interested in Lewis than in Tolkien. I must confess, though, that I have read only one book from The Chronicles of Narnia, namely The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe. I know some fragments of Prince Caspian, but not the entire book. Of the few books by Lewis which I read, the one I liked best is Till We Have Faces which is now my favourite book, and it seems to me that I enjoyed it even more than my previous favourite, Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Of course I intend to read the entire Chronicles in the future, but for now, I have seen the new Disney films as well as BBC version. I am also very interested in Lewis's scholarly work.
Welcome here and don't feel shy ;)
You will see we have many LotR and Narnia fans on here. I personally am more into LOTR than Narnia even though I knew LWW before I knew LotR. I recommend you read the complete series of CoN. They are all awesome.