Introduction Thread II

As a new member I must post here.. Well, let's do it, though I'm very shy.

I have been a fan of Tolkien for five years, and that is how I learned about CS Lewis. It is only this year that I became more interested in Lewis than in Tolkien. I must confess, though, that I have read only one book from The Chronicles of Narnia, namely The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe. I know some fragments of Prince Caspian, but not the entire book. Of the few books by Lewis which I read, the one I liked best is Till We Have Faces which is now my favourite book, and it seems to me that I enjoyed it even more than my previous favourite, Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Of course I intend to read the entire Chronicles in the future, but for now, I have seen the new Disney films as well as BBC version. I am also very interested in Lewis's scholarly work.
Welcome to the forums!!! I know how it is to read Lewis' works. They take you in a direction you didn't know existed, but somehow you know it's the right one. That's the best I can describe them. I also want to encourage you to read the rest of the Chronicles. Each book doesn't take long to read but each is packed with such treasure that it is very hard to read them only once.

And there are lots of ringers around here too. I personally like the books better than the films.
Why, my goodness, awesome! I've been approved! :) So glad to be able to post, I look forward to joining this communty, however fully I am able. Hello to everyone.

Not that I know of, although there are some who used to come here who I used to know. :P But I am indeed a fan of Sherlock Holmes. And his cohort Watson, with who I identify most, of course. :P
Hello everyone. I made this account a long, long time ago, but that was... a long time ago. Anyway, I lurk here some, but I figured it would be best to introduce myself.
So, uh, hi. I grew up on Narnia (and other such good literature), so this is a natural place to hang out.
In light of new members continuing to join, I once again bring forward what I wrote as a guide to the site:


About the top half of the starter screen
Belongs to things directly Narnian,
From printed page to shooting some new scene;
Then scroll on down and you can party on.

The Inklings, Mister Lewis and his friends,
Are talked about, plus Fantasy at large.
"Socratic" topics look at means and ends;
Then Prayer Requests are handled by the barge.

The Lamp Post is a place where you'll immerse
Yourself in vast variety of themes.
Professor's Writing Club has prose and verse,
While Brush of Unicorn gives form to dreams.

In "Duffers" you can practice randomness;
Now start exploring here, and Aslan bless!

Metal Aslan speaking, do you come in? Anyway, I'm a huge tLWW (the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe)fan as well with pre-1998 Sonic the Hedgehog.

* Attempts frequency-agile signal to penetrate static *

Welcome to our wavelength, Metal Aslan. If there are Narnian books you HAVEN'T read, you can find discussion of them here.