Introduction Thread II

Hi everone, my name is Juliet, and I am probably the youngest person on here! :p Shocking, isn't it? :eek: I'm interested in music, and sports like skating and all that. :rolleyes: I'm sort of like ~Aravis~'s adopted little sister in real life because I come over every day to her house and hang out. :cool:
Welcome!!! I hope you have fun int he forums here! Let me know if you have any questions. And I think we have a couple of members who are 12. ARe you younger? We are very protective of our young members so you are in a good place here!!
Hi everyone. My name is Rolanda. I've been a fan of The Chronicles Of Narnia since I first read the books back when I was younger but I'm not exactly sure how I was when I first read them. Aslan and Lucy have been my favorite two characters from the first so that's why I choose my username.
Futility, I hope you took that name as a joke.

If it reflects anything about your real life, I pray that we may be able here to encourage you to have hope!
Copperfox: I did not, in fact, take this name as a joke. I took it as a tribute to a motif in literature that is extremely potent. After all, there are numerous examples throughout history where humans have fought a futile battle against the inevitable. We often consider these people heroes.

And on a side note, I would have to agree with Simetra. Though... does that make people who attempt to like Twilight courageous? I shudder at the thought.

My name is just a word, Copperfox. And words can have many meanings and connotations. Please do not jump to conclusions about me just based on your own experiences and my choice of one word.
Welcome to all the new members.

Futily, I don't think Copperfox had actually concluded anything. He was asking you what it meant. Anyway, welcome again.

Lij luver, yes, I believe you are the youngest member here. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask or contact one of the mods (I am not one). The mods have their names in either blue or purple, with our admin Specter in green. Specter however is not "the man in green." That title belongs to certain, now thrice banned member.

Be careful when contacting the mods though because one of them is a badger, and although he is as cute as button, if you startle him, he'll start to cry.
Likewise, my statement was a request, not a declaration of fact.

But let us cease cluttering up this thread with pointless- one might say futile- semantics. We have all said our piece and there is no harm done.

Thank you to all who have welcomed me to your internet abode.
Hi my name is Andrew and obviously you can all guess my favorite book. I was read The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe as a kid and I loved it. Though until recently I never read the other Narnia books. I have read Percy Jackson, Harry Potter and I have to say I think I love Narnia the most. I never got into Lord of the Rings. I think Narnia is the single greatest book series ever written in the English language.
Bless you, Andrew! If you have not yet read any of C.S. Lewis' NON-fiction books, you have a spiritually nourishing treat waiting for you. I recommend that you begin with his autobiography "Surprised By Joy."
Hello there,

I am another 'newbie'. I joined last week but couldn't post for ages; so thanks again to EveningStar (sorry if name is wrong, bad memory!) for sorting it for me for today. :)

I'm 21, female (despite name) and I live in England. I like the Narnia Chronicles (of course!); particularly the books and the BBC series. :) The films are all right, but 'Prince Caspian' went waaay off the book for my liking. End part with Caspian and Susan? Cringey!

Anyway, hello! I hope it's a nice little community here. :)
Yes, young lady, you are correct with the name Evening Star. You may be aware that he is a fellow Brit. He is also very tall, as I can attest from recently meeting him and his fiancee Lady Badger.

You are also correct about the "Prince NON-Caspian" movie; it got everything wrong.