Introduction Thread II

Hey everyone! I haven't been on here in a couple of years actually... but I just recently checked up on the place!! :) How is everyone? Does anyone know if the Skandarnites are still around? I don't see them...
What are skandarnite? LOL!! Just kidding. Most seem to have gone underground but I bet they'll re-emerge once the new movie comes out in December!!
Well, I guess this is not so much an introduction, as it is a re-introduction!

I should apologise to all on here for my absence, I wound up getting a new job almost immediately after my old one ended, which was good because having a job is always a good thing! It kept me very busy and I let time slip away from me, which is unfortunate. I truly missed everyone on here, but for some reason I was never able to actually bring myself to take the time to come back onto the forums.

Well in a strange turn of events, I had gone to a bookstore earlier this evening to sell a box of books back to them, and while I was waiting, I wandered over to the children's fiction area and found myself once again looking over the Chronicles books. It made me determined to return to the forums to reunite with all my wonderful friends on here! Hopefully all will go well for me and I will be able to devote a proper amount of time to this site and all my friends on here!

I thank you all for being so patient with me and for not deleting my account, haha! I look forward to chatting with everyone again and experiencing all the wonder that this forum brings!

-Charlie / Knight of Narnia
Hi! I'm a 14 year old Texan, I'm a Narniac, Ringer, Potterfan, cowgirl, twihater, Jesus Freak, band geek, dork (and proud of it!) flautist, and ME!

You are quite welcome here, I can relate to all of those things :D (except for being a Texan, but I have a best friend in Texas :p) if you need any help or if you want graphics I am here to help you ;)

and welcome back Charlie, as everyone else said :p
Hi everyone, my name is Julie, and I am 16 years old. I've been a Narnia fan for... well since I was like 9 when I first read the books, but I really got into it in when I was about 13, when the LWW movie was out. :) I counted down the days to Prince Caspian for over a year, and took all my friends to see it for my birthday party.

I'm also a huge Lord of the Rings fan (ringer), and I'm crazy about Elijah Wood, from LOTR. I love reading and watching movies (especially fantasy), writing poetry, photography, and I'm hoping to be an actress someday. So, that's about me. This site looks really cool, I think I'm really going to enjoy it. :)
Since this thread has moved along, I feel I can reasonably "bring forward" something which I wrote for the purpose of being helpful to persons just joining.


About the top half of the starter screen
Belongs to things directly Narnian,
From printed page to shooting some new scene;
Then scroll on down and you can party on.

The Inklings, Mister Lewis and his friends,
Are talked about, plus Fantasy at large.
"Socratic" topics look at means and ends;
Then Prayer Requests are handled by the barge.

The Lamp Post is a place where you'll immerse
Yourself in vast variety of themes.
Professor's Writing Club has prose and verse,
While Brush of Unicorn gives form to dreams.

In "Duffers" you can practice randomness;
Now start exploring here, and Aslan bless!
Hi everyone, my name is Julie, and I am 16 years old. I've been a Narnia fan for... well since I was like 9 when I first read the books, but I really got into it in when I was about 13, when the LWW movie was out. :) I counted down the days to Prince Caspian for over a year, and took all my friends to see it for my birthday party.

I'm also a huge Lord of the Rings fan (ringer), and I'm crazy about Elijah Wood, from LOTR. I love reading and watching movies (especially fantasy), writing poetry, photography, and I'm hoping to be an actress someday. So, that's about me. This site looks really cool, I think I'm really going to enjoy it. :)

Welcome Aravis! So you're one of those who makes their friends go see Narnia? You'll fit right in! And we have all kinds of ringers here too. This is the perfect place for you.
Thanks for the welcome everyone! :)

Barbarian King, yes, I did make my friends go see Narnia. ;) But they enjoyed it. Haha, go ringers! lol. I'm sure I will love this site. Everyone seems so friendly. :)

Since this thread has moved along, I feel I can reasonably "bring forward" something which I wrote for the purpose of being helpful to persons just joining.


About the top half of the starter screen
Belongs to things directly Narnian,
From printed page to shooting some new scene;
Then scroll on down and you can party on.

The Inklings, Mister Lewis and his friends,
Are talked about, plus Fantasy at large.
"Socratic" topics look at means and ends;
Then Prayer Requests are handled by the barge.

The Lamp Post is a place where you'll immerse
Yourself in vast variety of themes.
Professor's Writing Club has prose and verse,
While Brush of Unicorn gives form to dreams.

In "Duffers" you can practice randomness;
Now start exploring here, and Aslan bless!

But if you want your total posts to mount
Remember Duffers'/Tumnus' posts don't count.
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Thank you, Benisse.

I see where we've got a new oncoming member called Aaron Tassle. I wonder if this is a reference to tassels on the priestly robe of THE Aaron, the brother of Moses?
Hi everone, my name is Juliet, and I am probably the youngest person on here! :p Shocking, isn't it? :eek: I'm interested in music, and sports like skating and all that. :rolleyes: I'm sort of like ~Aravis~'s adopted little sister in real life because I come over every day to her house and hang out. :cool: