Introduction Thread II

Miss Beau, if you are well-grounded in the Narnian books, I urge you to consider reading a work of pastiche. If you click the tiger image on my post, it will take you to a novel I wrote as a sequel to "The Magician's Nephew"--for events in the Narnian world, not in England. It includes a speculation of how some humans _besides_ the very first set, and the later Telmarines, might have gotten into the Narnian world.
Miss Beau, if you are well-grounded in the Narnian books, I urge you to consider reading a work of pastiche. If you click the tiger image on my post, it will take you to a novel I wrote as a sequel to "The Magician's Nephew"--for events in the Narnian world, not in England. It includes a speculation of how some humans _besides_ the very first set, and the later Telmarines, might have gotten into the Narnian world.

Why thank you CopperFox; now I have something to keep me entertained during my boring work day!
Greetings all

I've been a fan of the Chronicles of Narnia (as well as having read several other C.S. Lewis books, like the Cosmic trilogy) and I stumbled upon this forum when looking for information about the Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie yet to be realeased.

And, before anyone else asks, no, my nickname has nothing to do with water. It is a reference to Seaborgium, the chemical element with atomic number 106.
Greetings all

I've been a fan of the Chronicles of Narnia (as well as having read several other C.S. Lewis books, like the Cosmic trilogy) and I stumbled upon this forum when looking for information about the Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie yet to be realeased.

And, before anyone else asks, no, my nickname has nothing to do with water. It is a reference to Seaborgium, the chemical element with atomic number 106.
sooo... is that element common in Narnia or are you just doing it for the heck of it? :)
Hey everyone! I haven't been on here in a couple of years actually... but I just recently checked up on the place!! :) How is everyone? Does anyone know if the Skandarnites are still around? I don't see them...
sooo... is that element common in Narnia or are you just doing it for the heck of it? :)

I had the name long before I came to this forum. Mainly, I used it in the command and conquer forums (This forum is much nicer by comparision :) ) and in Red Alert 3.

But, yeah, mainly for the heck of it. I rather like weird names that nobody else would think of. That way, you don't have to switch your name if somebody else is using it.

By the way, is there some number of posts you have to do before making a new thread/topic? I had an interesting idea about LWW, but it wouldn't fit in any other threads.
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There are plenty of humorous threads on which new persons can post and GET seniority credit, such as the thread for giving silly suggestions to Narnia movie-makers.
I think you have to have made ten posts in places other than here and the Duffers area. Aaaaaaaaand now, as an aid in choosing where you want to build your total of entries.....


About the top half of the starter screen
Belongs to things directly Narnian,
From printed page to shooting some new scene;
Then scroll on down and you can party on.

The Inklings, Mister Lewis and his friends,
Are talked about, plus Fantasy at large.
"Socratic" topics look at means and ends;
Then Prayer Requests are handled by the barge.

The Lamp Post is a place where you'll immerse
Yourself in vast variety of themes.
Professor's Writing Club has prose and verse,
While Brush of Unicorn gives form to dreams.

In "Duffers" you can practice randomness;
Now start exploring here, and Aslan bless!
Howdy folks. I posted briefly as "blindlemonpie" a while back. I would have returned with that name, but I could not for the life of me remember my password.

About the top half of the starter screen
Belongs to things directly Narnian,
From printed page to shooting some new scene;
Then scroll on down and you can party on.

The Inklings, Mister Lewis and his friends,
Are talked about, plus Fantasy at large.
"Socratic" topics look at means and ends;
Then Prayer Requests are handled by the barge.

The Lamp Post is a place where you'll immerse
Yourself in vast variety of themes.
Professor's Writing Club has prose and verse,
While Brush of Unicorn gives form to dreams.

In "Duffers" you can practice randomness;
Now start exploring here, and Aslan bless!

I like this one is very good and original!!! :D
Hi! I'm a 14 year old Texan, I'm a Narniac, Ringer, Potterfan, cowgirl, twihater, Jesus Freak, band geek, dork (and proud of it!) flautist, and ME!

If by "twihater" you mean you are NOT fond of sexy vampires, you are VERY welcome here as far as I'm concerned. In some past roleplaying, I created a superhero called Grey Eagle, who had exactly the right super-powers to DESTROY sexy vampires! Now, however, they only allow directly Narnia-related roleplay here, as you will see in the major section called "Dawn Treader."
Welcome, Jearena. If you go a short distance back within this same topic thread, you will find a general guide to sections of the forum in the form of a poem.