Introduction Thread II

Hey, I'm AJ.

I love Narnia, can't wait for the the Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Have read all the books, and watch all the old vergians of the movies except the Last Battle.

Greetings, AJ. Since you have read all the Narnian books, I invite you to click on the tiger image on my post, and go read my Narnian novel, which takes place shortly after "The Magician's Nephew."
Hello everyone, my name is Sarah [although I prefer to be called Esmeralda].
And I am brand new to the Narnia fandom. My gradfather bought The Chronicles of Narnia[all-in-one book] as an early Christmas present to me a few days ago. I just finished reading The Magician's Nephew, and I can already tell Im going to thoroughly enjoy reading this series.
I suppose the real reason it took me so long to start reading the CoN, is because of Harry Potter. Ive been apart of that fandom since I was in the third grade, and somehow it felt like I would be "betraying" the series by switching over. In the end, I figured it was just time for something new.
Im eighteen.
I live in California
I go to school at Los Angeles Community College [I'll be going to USC after I finish all my General Eds.]
My favorite colour is green
My favorite band is The Smiths [+ David Bowie, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Little Richard, and Sonic Youth]
My favorite book is "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky
hope to see you all around the boards!​
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My name is Wayne, but I go by SkyBuzz (I've seen a lot of Waynes, but only one SkyBuzz) to cut down on confusion. I am in my Mid-40s and am just learning that Narnia was an entire series, rather than a short story. I am such a Uber-Noob, I am slowly learning that Narnia is not a story of certain characters, but an ever evolving world in which things are constantly changing.

I will probably be asking what are easy questions for all of you, but new to me. Also, I will consult other threads to make sure I'm not repeating or retreading things already covered before. I hope to learn from this new, magical place I've just discovered, and to enlightening interaction with all of you.

Thank you!

SkyBuzz :)
Welcome Esmeralda!! Of course you like green! Emeralds have the coolest shade of green! I am in OC and I have a bunch of friends who went to SC!!

And welcome SkyBuzz. I already replied to one of your posts. Please feel free to ask questions. Most of the members here are pretty young. But there are some old timers here like us too!!!
For us older members it is nice to see someone around our age is joining otherwise you will feel so ancient over here :D

Welcome to all new members and I hope you will not only post but stay as well because many newbies only post once and disappear. I wonder where they went. Into the Wardrobe perhaps?

Anyway; have fun and if you have questions...JUST ASK!!! Ask and Thou shall be given ;)