I apologize for the belated introduction.
Q. Are you a real Calormen, or some dude who is inspired by C.S.Lewis to create a Calormen character on a TDL?
A. Imbecile!
Q. Are Calormens really as nasty as they are made out to be?
A. In our culture, your word "nasty" means efficient.
Q. Do Calormens really sacrifice people to Tash?
A. Lies and propaganda! Animals, slaves and other property, yes. People No!
Q. Was C.S.Lewis a bit racist in his portrayal of your people?
A. He was a wonderful chronicler who wrote in a style we Calormens call cynical. Within our literature there are epics concerning such things as dung beetles, where they are portrayed as noble and worthy.
In this manner Lewis, by implication, demonstrated the utter superiority of our civilization and the lamentable state of the Narnian barbarian.
Any reader of discernment will see that. So, racist? Perhaps but the Narnians have only themseves to blame.
Q. Do you have any questions / observations?
A. Yes, my position of Tarkaan has not granted me sufficient privilege to include a portrait of myself (avatar) nor the permission to post my journals in your writers section?