Introduction Thread II

Welcome Tarkaan, your introduction-FAQ made me laugh really bad :D I think you'll find yourself at home here, hehe :p

Hey everyone!

My name is IrishSongBird, otherwise known simply as Irish. One of your awesome members, EveningStar, started posting over on the website I help run a few months ago and has gushed about how wonderful The Dancing Lawn is, so I decided to come over here and introduce myself.

I turn 24 next week and am currently in graduate school for history, which keeps me pretty busy. I used to be a musical theater major, so it's quite a turnaround for me. I still sing as much as possible, but don't have the time to act. I try to stay creative by writing my Narnia fan fic and helping to run the website Narnia Fan Fiction Revolution. I also host the podcast AsCast and am an administrator for Revolution Radio, which is an audio fan fiction podcast. SO, I just wanted to network with some other fans over here and hopefully get to know some of you a bit better!

Hope everyone has an awesome weekend! :)
Hello Irish, nice to see you here. Cool that you joined because ES told you it's cool here. I can tell you: it is! So i hope you'll enjoy things here, and that you'll have an awesome weekend too! :)
Hi everyone hope your all okay,im von,im 34 and from the west midlands uk and im new here :) x love the chronicle of narnia and love all the characters but my fave's are prince/king caspian and aslan :) i'm off now to have a look round the forum,take care all xx
Hi, all. I'm Sintar07 (but you can leave off the numbers if you're addressing me on the forums). I'm posting here because one of the help threads said I had to to prove that I wasn't a bot. So here it is: I solemnly swear and avow that I am not a bot.

Happy? :D
Yo! ^^
Whatsa bot?

A bot is a program that registers for and posts in forums for various reasons. Sometimes it's to advertise, sometimes it's just to spam threads. It's almost always annoying, thus most forums dislike bots. I've gotta say, though, this forum has the strongest anti-bot security protocols I've ever seen. Before I could post anywhere else, I had to register, verify by e-mail link, have my verification verified by a mod, and post here. But what can ya do? :o People really hate bots.
I logged on to this forum about a week ago,and now finally my account has been activated i can post.
I heard you first had to introduce yourself before you can post elsewhere.
I'm Earilmadith,my real name is Femke and i'm from Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
Becca Mickah

Okay I am Becca( shortened of my RL name) I abberivate alot of stuff so yeah:). My Puesdos are Mickah or Ciao, so feel free to call me any of the above. I love alot of stuff so yeah check out any stories I post.
I see that we have a new oncoming member called Marryfoxgirl. Marryfoxgirl, if you see this, is your username related to the Chinese folklore about "fox spirits" which assumed the form of women?
I logged on to this forum about a week ago,and now finally my account has been activated i can post.
I heard you first had to introduce yourself before you can post elsewhere.
I'm Earilmadith,my real name is Femke and i'm from Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
We happen to have quite a few members from the Netherlands. Do you know any of them? Send me a message and I'll tell you who they are. Or you can see them posting on the Dutch II thread in the Lampost section.
Now I see that we have an oncoming new member using the name "Ivanhoe." I love that story, because it portrays UNSELFISH love, as opposed to the lustful narcissism of today's popular culture.
Hi, I'm Pinia. I'm young (only thirteen years old) girl.
I read Narnia first time when I heard about The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe movie. I thought the movie title was interesting so I decided to go and see it. But when I heard that the movie was based on a book, I went to library and I read the book. (I think it's very bad thing to watch movie before reading a book.) I loved it very much.

So hello everybody!
Welcome, Pinia! So you're from Finland; I'm happy to have someone from Finland join us. Now I can tell you that your country's most famous composer, Jean Sibelius, is very special to me. His Second Symphony has relaxed me in times of stress. And at my wedding, my wife and I used part of his composition "Finlandia."

Also, I agree with you that people should read the books first.
Welcome, Sorris! Allow me to make a recommendation. In the major section called Professor's Writing Club, which is pretty far down the starter page, you can find a topic thread called "Sonnets Here, In-House." The reason why I recommend reading this is because the poems in it are almost all personality portraits of members here. It's a device to help you get acquainted.