Introduction Thread II

Posts in this section, and in the Duffers section, do not count for seniority. I urge you to visit Writing Club and comment on any stories or poems there which interest you.
Hi! I'm Laurel, and I really enjoy the Chronicles of Narnia (which is why I'm here, obviously!). A funny thing that really happened to my friend: she watched "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe" movie one time in class, and then a student hid in a closet and burst out saying, "I'm back from Narnia!" It was hilarious. I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun on this forum; it looks awesome!
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Hi! I'm Laurel, and I really enjoy the Chronicles of Narnia (which is why I'm here, obviously!). A funny thing that really happened to my friend: she watched "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe" movie one time in class, and then a student hid in a closet and burst out saying, "I'm back from Narnia!" It was hilarious. I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun on this forum; it looks awesome!

LOL! I should try that sometime! :rolleyes:

:D Welcome to the forums!
Hi Everyone!! Wow, this is my first log in since August 8th of 2008. I completely forgot that this website was here...I came across my username and password I had written down on a paper. :D
Hi Everyone!! Wow, this is my first log in since August 8th of 2008. I completely forgot that this website was here...I came across my username and password I had written down on a paper. :D

Welcome back, N47 ;) Jump right in, the water's fine!
Hi everyone! As you can tell, I'm a newbie. I've just recently read the Chronicles of Narnia- finished the last book today, in fact- and have very throughly enjoyed the series. I just found it a little...different...that everyone just dies in the end and goes to Narnia. But I suppose that was the happily ever after for it.
Anyway, I'm Hufsa, 17. I love to read. I am a Harry Potter fan and an Anne of Green Gables fan. I pretty much read anything, unless it is extremely boring. Graduated HS this year; Uni plans in the fall. I am very random, very weird, but I think n the whole I'm a pretty okay person :P
Oh- and I do NOT like Twilight. I think it's okay, and maybe could have been better if SM was a better writer. But...bleh. The whole series just weirded me out. But I thought the movies were better than the book.
Haven't watched any Narnia movies; do plan to, though!
And if there is any particular book you think I must read, do let me know. :D

Aaaanddd...I hope you guys don't mind me bugging you every now and then. I promise I won't break forum rules. :P

Hufsa? Do you get that name from a rabbit character in "Watership Down"?

You will find plenty to read _within_ this forum, as well as many recommendations for regular published books. For my part, I will self-servingly urge you to click the tiger image on my post, because this will take you to a story I wrote which is a sort of sequel to "The Magician's Nephew."

You know how the winters arrive and depart;
Each one leaves a bit more old age in my heart.
But rise from your bed, and we'll dance all the same;
The tree of remembrance will tell me your name.
Welcome all new members! I hope everyone stays here and become active. If any of you want to have signatures and avies, you need to have 10 posts before you get that option in your user CP. Posts in the top and bottom sections of the forum do not count toward your total, but it is still fun to post there, you'll see.

See you all around!!:)
Hufsa? Do you get that name from a rabbit character in "Watership Down"?

You will find plenty to read _within_ this forum, as well as many recommendations for regular published books. For my part, I will self-servingly urge you to click the tiger image on my post, because this will take you to a story I wrote which is a sort of sequel to "The Magician's Nephew."

You know how the winters arrive and depart;
Each one leaves a bit more old age in my heart.
But rise from your bed, and we'll dance all the same;
The tree of remembrance will tell me your name.

lol, no. My name is an Arabic word meaning lioness/brave/pious. It's also a famous lady's name in the religious world, so yeah.
But I found out a few months ago I'm this big blue blob in a Norwegian cartoon. I have my own fanpage on Facebook, and everything.
But this wasn't very comforting...I may not be pretty, but I'd rather be me than a weird blob in a Norwegian cartoon. o.O
I'll be sure to read your story soon. :D
Welcome Hufsa. Have you read the Percy Jackson books? I find those entertaining. (And I'm like you, an HP fan but not a Twilight fan).
Welcome Hufsa. Have you read the Percy Jackson books? I find those entertaining. (And I'm like you, an HP fan but not a Twilight fan).

I'm planning to read PJ & the Olympians this summer. In fact, as I've just finished the Gemma Doyle trilogy, 'm going to read The Fountainhead, and then I'll get down to PJ. :D

Post # 1

I am a sci fi writer, grounds keeper at a Calvary chapel conference center, and I found out about this site through a couple of friends I met at comic con. (I won a poster as well)

Anyways I am a big fan of C.S. Lewis and look for to browsing the discussions here.
Hello Raptor. Welcome to the forums. The CS Lewis section definitely needs more people. I am looking forward to your posts.
Calling Gomesa1!

You sent me a PM this weekend. It's fine for you to send me a message, but I'm not sure what it was talking about, and now I can't seem to find you. (I had to delete your PM after reading it, because it put my box at 100 percent.) If you see this post, please contact me again.
Hello everyone! I'm Xian-Na, which is my Chinese name. :)

Welcome Xian-Na!
I like your name :) Does it have a special meaning?
Welcome to the Dancing Lawn

Welcome Hufsa and MarigoldLesley! I think you will feel right at home here since there are many threads for booklovers to explore

Post # 1

I am a sci fi writer, grounds keeper at a Calvary chapel conference center, and I found out about this site through a couple of friends I met at comic con. (I won a poster as well)

Anyways I am a big fan of C.S. Lewis and look for to browsing the discussions here.
Welcome Raptor-- so glad you found us. Looking forward to your postings on Lewis and your own scribblings too.
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