Hi everyone! As you can tell, I'm a newbie. I've just recently read the Chronicles of Narnia- finished the last book today, in fact- and have very throughly enjoyed the series. I just found it a little...different...that everyone just dies in the end and goes to Narnia. But I suppose that was the happily ever after for it.
Anyway, I'm Hufsa, 17. I love to read. I am a Harry Potter fan and an Anne of Green Gables fan. I pretty much read anything, unless it is extremely boring. Graduated HS this year; Uni plans in the fall. I am very random, very weird, but I think n the whole I'm a pretty okay person

Oh- and I do NOT like Twilight. I think it's okay, and maybe could have been better if SM was a better writer. But...bleh. The whole series just weirded me out. But I thought the movies were better than the book.
Haven't watched any Narnia movies; do plan to, though!
And if there is any particular book you think I must read, do let me know.
Aaaanddd...I hope you guys don't mind me bugging you every now and then. I promise I won't break forum rules.