Introduction Thread II

Hello! As you can see, my username is 220chrisTian (same as NarniaWeb where I'm a guru). I joined last year but didn't become a regular member. I only started posting yesterday after seeing an interesting thread. So...

I would like to change my username to AslansLily, the same as my name at -- where I'm a news reporter and Facebook/YouTube admin. But if this name change isn't possible, I'll stick with 220chrisTian (nickname on NW = 220CT).

My bio is on the AC staff page: I don't have much else to add about myself.

I hope this is enough for an introduction...
You could contact the mods with purple names, PrinceOfTheWest or EveningStar. Watch out for eveningstar though, also known as the badger. Make sure you catch him after he's had his cup of tea. If you ask him before, his stripes kinda turn blue and in revenge he may change your name to BarbieAndKen or MickeyMoose, or something else you may not want.
@BarbarianKing: I know 'eveningstar.' He's an AC member. Thanks for the referral. :)

@Copperfox: this is more than most new members give? LOL!
Welcome to you too, AslansLily. My username is the name of minor character from the Children of Húrin by J.R.R Tolkien. I like your username too.
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Hello everyone.

Hello everyone, my name is TerraNarnian but you can call me Terra or my real name, Matthew. I love the chronicles since well it is funny that the first time I heard about the Chronicles of Narnia was when I was 9 or 10. I went on a school field trip to see on stage production of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. I was tired and fell asleep during the show, which then I had a dream I was in Narnia and saw Aslan (Which I had no idea who he was since as I stated before I never read any of the books). I was afraid at first but then he spoke to me but I can not remember what he said and I went up and hugged him. Then I woke up when my teacher yelled at me for sleeping during the show. I tried to pay attention to the show but I kept dozing off and on. When my field trip was leaving to go to the park, I felt like there was someone around me but I could not tell what or who it was.

Anyways, I tend to talk too much. :P I really need to get some sleep. Hope to make some new friends here and such. Laters!
T-Narnian and N-Princesss, it's good to have you join us. I urge you to explore the major section called Professor's Writing Club, the creative-writing area. Glenburne, seen above, is among the contributing writers there. Another important contributor is Evening Star, one of our Moderators.
I've got a friend who made an account on the forums under the name Argoz, but his account says it hasn't been activated yet. Is there a place I can direct him to fix this or is it an administrative thing? Thanks