Introduction Thread II

Hello Narnians! I'm new as well. I can't start a new thread for some reason but I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Dianne and I love the writings of C. S. Lewis and especially Narnia. I'm going to see VODT for the 5th time next week if snow doesn't keep me away!:)
Hello Narnians! I'm new as well. I can't start a new thread for some reason but I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Dianne and I love the writings of C. S. Lewis and especially Narnia. I'm going to see VODT for the 5th time next week if snow doesn't keep me away!

You can't start new threads or get a signature or avatar until you have 10 posts.;)
You've seen Dawn Treader 4 times?!?:eek: you must live closer to a theater than I do.:rolleyes:

Anyway though- welcome!:)

Edit: Oh and posting in threads in "the land of the duffers" and "tea with Tumnus" don't count in your post-count.
Glad To Be Here!!

I portray a Confederate chaplain attached to the 4th Virginia, Stonewall Brigade of the Army of Northern Virginia. My wife, Barbara, portrays my wife (of course). We have the unique opportunity to not only share the most important part of our nation's history, the War Between the States, but also the most important events in world history. Through Living His-Story Ministries, twe are able to share with the Civil War reenacting community the soul-saving, life-changing Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ. Through the example of the many leaders, both Union and Confederate, we are able to relate the many Godly traits of these men to those who attend the Civil War reenactments and Living Histories. I am a GREAT admirer of CS Lewis and the biblical imagery in the Narnia books/movies is such a useful tool in sharing Christ with others. Thanks for this Narnia forum, I will be posting here often.
Undragoned! I positively beg you to go to our Other Fantasy Worlds section, and read the earliest posts of a thread called "Renaissance Festivals." You will quickly understand why I pointed you there.
Greetings, fellow Narnians.

I am 60.5 years old, male, a Christian (albeit not a very good one, I fear) and live in Hillmorton, a district of the town of Rugby, in Warwickshire, England.
I first 'entered' the land of Narnia when I was around 10 years old, when I read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe for the first time and was immediately hooked, although I didn't understand the Christian symbolism until much later.
I am also a fan of other fantasy and science fiction worlds, including The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Midnight Folk, The Box of Delights, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and Blakes Seven.
In conclusion I would just like to say I look forward to a long and happy association with you all.
All the best,
Yes! Someone to rival Copperfox's age! :p

And welcome to the forum, I do hope you enjoy it here. We are a very friendly group of people, if I may say so myself. And most of us share your love for fantasy and science-fiction, and of course, Narnia. "Other Fantasy Worlds" is a good place to find discussions on various books, and for interesting discussions... "The Socratic Club" would be the place.

Again, welcome to the forum, and I do hope you enjoy your stay. :)

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Greetings, fellow Narnians.

I am 60.5 years old, male, a Christian (albeit not a very good one, I fear) and live in Hillmorton, a district of the town of Rugby, in Warwickshire, England.
I first 'entered' the land of Narnia when I was around 10 years old, when I read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe for the first time and was immediately hooked, although I didn't understand the Christian symbolism until much later.
I am also a fan of other fantasy and science fiction worlds, including The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Midnight Folk, The Box of Delights, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and Blakes Seven.
In conclusion I would just like to say I look forward to a long and happy association with you all.
All the best,

Greetings, welcome to our forum.
Hello Narnians! I'm new as well... I'm Dianne and I love the writings of C. S. Lewis and especially Narnia. I'm going to see VODT for the 5th time next week if snow doesn't keep me away!
Welcome Dianne! I trust you will find many DLF's here! Keep warm, and have fun on the forum ;)

World Wanderer,
the Magician's Nephew is one of my favorites too... Welcome !

I portray a Confederate chaplain attached to the 4th Virginia, Stonewall Brigade of the Army of Northern Virginia. My wife, Barbara, portrays my wife (of course). We have the unique opportunity to not only share the most important part of our nation's history, the War Between the States, but also the most important events in world history. Through Living His-Story Ministries, we are able to share with the Civil War reenacting community the soul-saving, life-changing Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ. Through the example of the many leaders, both Union and Confederate, we are able to relate the many Godly traits of these men to those who attend the Civil War reenactments and Living Histories. I am a GREAT admirer of CS Lewis and the biblical imagery in the Narnia books/movies is such a useful tool in sharing Christ with others. Thanks for this Narnia forum, I will be posting here often.
What a great screen name! By God's Grace I've been undragoned too :)
When I lived in Fresno one of the annual events I really enjoyed taking my kids to was the huge Civil War re-enactment in Kearney Park. Talking to the soldiers and craftsman and medics etc in the encampment was quite informative, the characters wandering around such as Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth etc were meticulously prepared, and the battles were impressive with full cavalry as well as infantry and cannon. How beautiful for you to bring out the faith of those involved in your portrayals!

Greetings, fellow Narnians...
I am also a fan of other fantasy and science fiction worlds, including The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Midnight Folk, The Box of Delights, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and Blakes Seven.
In conclusion I would just like to say I look forward to a long and happy association with you all.
All the best,
Welcome David,
50 years in Narnia -- what a blessing!
I loved Masefield's Box of Delights too, though it's been years... Your intro has inspired me to order a copy :)
If all goes well, a girl will soon be joining under the name of Erin Ravitts. As many of you know, Ravitts (pronounced RAY-vitts) is MY last name. But no, this does NOT mean I finally found a third wife; it means that this girl is my make-believe granddaughter on Facebook.
If all goes well, a girl will soon be joining under the name of Erin Ravitts. As many of you know, Ravitts (pronounced RAY-vitts) is MY last name. But no, this does NOT mean I finally found a third wife; it means that this girl is my make-believe granddaughter on Facebook.
Ha ha ha! :D I look forward to meeting her.
Hello everyone my name is Amarlie and I just signed-up last 2 days ago to be exact. But actually I have been lurking here for almost two months. But the time I want to register here, it was currently under maintenance and I need to wait for sometime to register. But, as they say "patience is a virtue" so here I am. I began learning and being so much attracted to Narnia after watching the LWW on the television way back last 2006 on Christmas eve for a movie marathon for that year until Christmas day. I was still studying back then so I told myself that I will definitely search for it after graduation. After that I've learned about PC and watched it on cinemas for once with my friends. After that, I bgan to be hooked again for the 2nd time around. But still I was pretty busy to join forums so I decided to lie-low for a while. But then after that, still my indulgence in joining this forum never leaves me, so last November I researched for the forums and it took me here but sad to say it was under renovation so I waited. Hope I'm very much welcome.
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We're happy to have you here! As you have probably noticed while you were lurking, we have a huge variety of ages, nationalities, and interests here. You're bound to find subjects of interest; or when you earn a little seniority by participating in existing discussions, you'll be able to _create_ your own topic threads that suit you. Although Narnia is the number-one topic here, you can start threads about almost _anything_ within the bounds of good taste.
^^ Thank you Mr. Copperfox, maybe I will just going to participate in every discussions that this site has. I love responding to each and every topics so maybe that'll do better for now...