Hmm. Hard to say... I read most of them an anthology (The Complete C. S. Lewis Signature Classics) so many of them kind of bleed together. I view them almost more as chapters in a book then distinct works. My favorite part of the book was probably the Screw Tape Letters, but obviously that isn't one of his non-fiction works...
I think that Mere Christianity resonated with me the most. It's almost certainly his most famous non-fiction work, and for good reason.
Welcome to the forum(s), David. Hope that you enjoy your time here. I really thought I'd be gone after a couple of years, but I'm going on 8 years as a member, so I guess I can't shake this place. It's a great place for discussion and fun!
I've only been here around five, but I didn't ever imagine I'd still be kicking around even that long.
After the first couple of times I tried to leave, I decided not to even try anymore. I'll probably wander away naturally.
Hey guys! I'm a 23 year old aspiring film maker (writer/director/cinematographer/editor) from Southern Oregon. I'm also a life long Narnia fan, and a fan of C.S. Lewis in general. I grew up with the books, the BBC adaptations, and the fantastic Focus on the Family radio dramas. I've closely followed the development of all thE new films as well. I've read the Space Trilogy as well as most of Lewis's non-fiction works. So, yeah... Huge fan here!
Hi all this is my first post on the Dancing Lawn.