Introduction Thread II

Hello. I'm new here and glad to check things out around here. Let's see....a little bit about myself.

I'm probably older than most of you out there. I'm in my mid-thirties, am married with four beautiful little girls. As would be expected, I am a big fan of the Narnia books. Probably my favorite book is Silver Chair.

I also am a die-hard Green Bay Packers fan and can't wait to see Favre Break all of Dan Marino's passing records.

I love my faith (I'm Roman Catholic) and have a great love for history, particularly world history. Hmmm. That should do it for starters.

Hi! I'm Cheetah...
And probably about half your age. :D Doesn't that make you feel good? LOL
I'm a 49ers fan... Don't laugh; they rule(d). XD
I'm an evangelical Christian (whatever that it- I'm just a believer), but yeah... But I think it doesn't matter what you are as long as you love God with all your heart. ;)
Hope to see you around the forum sometime.
I feel that I am responsible for warning all you new members, if you actually listen to Olorin's advice, you are in for craziness beyond anything you have ever seen. The Land of the Duffers is a dangerous place which could change even the most sensible person into, well, a duffer.
Heed my advice young ones, I sould know, having lost all my sanity there.
So, if you will please click here...

Awww, thanks!

Oh wait, was that supposed to be a compliment or not? :D

Hello. I'm new here and glad to check things out around here. Let's see....a little bit about myself.

I'm probably older than most of you out there. I'm in my mid-thirties, am married with four beautiful little girls. As would be expected, I am a big fan of the Narnia books. Probably my favorite book is Silver Chair.

I also am a die-hard Green Bay Packers fan and can't wait to see Favre Break all of Dan Marino's passing records.

I love my faith (I'm Roman Catholic) and have a great love for history, particularly world history. Hmmm. That should do it for starters.

I'm a Roman Catholic too (just like Lady of Lorien - she's my sister), although I can't quite side with you on the Packers issue. Redskins here. WE WILL CRUSH YOU!! Er... oops. Was I not supposed to be doing that here? 'Tenny rate, I do have a very good friend who is also a die-hard Packers fan, so they're among my top favorite teams. (except when they beat the Redskins). :p
Even for a redskins fan, he is a pretty great friend. J/K j/k

who is this?
I don't like the Redskins.. correction.. I'm just not a redskin fan, lol
*hides from Virginians in the area who heard that*
Chiefs fan- I blame my dad, lol.
I'd have to say I like the packers next in line I think.

Hi all! After listening to the podcast for awhile I decided to come over and get involved in the Dancing Lawn myself. I'm not sure how often I'll be here. I do have a habit of joining too many groups and then real life gets insane and I disappear for a few months at a time. I'm trying to do the balance thing though so I'll see if I succeed. I'm a second year medical student and I absolutely love Chronicles of Narnia. It's so powerful. Ok, I guess that's it for now.

Jasmine (ok, just a heads up, that isn't my real name. I'm a bit nervous about posting any real info about myself so I've made up a fake name to use in case I let too much info out.)
Hey Jasmine! welcome to TDL! Hope you enjoy yourself here. ;) If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or ask anyone here. Almost all of the members are very friendly and helpful :D

I don't know if you'll see me around here much anymore, but anyway, welcome!
Hi all! After listening to the podcast for awhile I decided to come over and get involved in the Dancing Lawn myself. I'm not sure how often I'll be here. I do have a habit of joining too many groups and then real life gets insane and I disappear for a few months at a time. I'm trying to do the balance thing though so I'll see if I succeed. I'm a second year medical student and I absolutely love Chronicles of Narnia. It's so powerful. Ok, I guess that's it for now.

Jasmine (ok, just a heads up, that isn't my real name. I'm a bit nervous about posting any real info about myself so I've made up a fake name to use in case I let too much info out.)

WElcome from the Narnia part of Texas. :p I like your name, I know someone with that name. :D
Welcome Jasmine and Rock Solid. Hope yall will enjoy TDL. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Glad you're here.

Hello to everyone!
I joined a couple days ago but just around to saying hello and intoducing myself.
hello! may i be the first to great you. i am fern or ferny or whatever one wishes to call me. welcome to our wonderful forum. :D i hope you enjoy it here (cuz i do!). precautionary statement: you might find me a little scary (or you might get scared of all tdlers in general cuz we boarder on insane if not completely over it. but dont let me scare you.:D once again, welcome, nice to have you here!