Introduction Thread II

You think TDL is big?? :rolleyes:

I like TDL because it's smaller. :p

Check this one out (it's a HP forum):

it's HUGE. :eek:

lol Well, it's huge to me. The other board I'm on all the time, for Chris Young(go check out's the best Country singer on the planet! ;) ), has 6 forums's an awesome board, and my favorite place to chat, but it's nowhere near as big as this. I know there are larger ones, though, I just haven't seen them yet. lol
Welcome, LewisScholar. Looking forward to reading your contributions! How did you find Narniafans/The Dancing Lawn forum?

Frankly, I was looking through websites on C S Lewis that might be interested in linking to my podcasts and I came across Narniafans. I thought it was quite well done (a bit graphic and elaborate looking at the layout from my old business perspective, but very appropriate to this genre and the community that it serves) and it seemed to be active and interesting, so I joined up.

I am just getting used to navigating the site, which (for some reason) has been a bit challenging, but then, I'm new here. ;)

I will probably just lurk for a bit before posting to acclimate to the climate and rules of the community, so to speak. On the other hand, if you can suggest specific topics or forums about Lewis or his books, I will be happy to give them a try.

Your approach makes a lot of sense, LewisScholar. There usually is a navigation path at the top of most pagese where you will find yourself. I hope that helps!

You may want to investigate The Eagle and Child section (Where the Inklings met at Oxford) [The Dancing Lawn - Official Forums of Narnia Fans > The Eagle and Child] where you will find threads under the following topics:
  • C.S. Lewis (All things C.S. Lewis)
  • The Inklings (The best-known members of the group were C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and Charles Williams.)

The Stone Table is what I find most interesting, personally. [The Dancing Lawn - Official Forums of Narnia Fans > The Stone Table] There you will find the following topics:
  • Christianity and Narnia: The Allegory of the Chronicles of Narnia (Religion and Narnia Discussions)
  • The Socratic Club: A club that Lewis founded at Oxford. A forum devoted to general philosophical and spiritual discussion

As for the design, you might be interested in the following if you haven't already seen it:


:) Hello to everyone... I'm new here! I'd just found this forum..:D I really like Aslan
