Introduction Thread II

Hello everyone so I'm new here and you know I have an odd un:D So my name is shen, you can call me Shen or Mae, anyway you want it. So I'm saying hello to everyone and to Cris, the wonderful Cris:D
Ewanqoh, hello! Is your name Shen a Chinese name, or maybe Burmese? We have a number of Asian members, as I believe you are aware. One particularly sweet-natured one is Wownarnia.
Hi Simetra,

Welcome to TDL! I noticed you posted in the RP thread to take over Sennulf.

It should be fun to see how things go for him and Blackclaw. (my RP wolf who is still loyal to Jadis)
Welcome Simetra to TDL :D! Hope you enjoy this wonderful forum; my name's Liz or Su (a nickname from my username) and if you'd like any help with avatars or banners, just let me know and I'll see what I can do :).
And I have arrived, stealthily and without notice!

Hello to everyone! I go by the handle Forte, which is pronounced "Four-Tay" and not "forty". I am 19 years old at the moment, turning 20 in only a few months. I am a good friend of fernshirehobbit, who convinced me to join somehow, though I don't exactly know how. It's quite the mystery and a story that I'll have to tell someday, but right now, my memory is a bit fuzzy.

I am a huge fan of video games and anime. MegaMan games are amazing, and Dragonball is fantastic, I don't care what anyone says. Japanese superheroes rock, seriously. Kamen Rider and Ultraman, for the win. :D

I'm also a writer, I guess. I've written stories and poems, and I'm a grammar/punctuation freak, much to the dismay of my friends and family. I just like being neat, proper, and correct. And nobody appreciates it. :P

I guess that's about it... yeah, that's about it. Glad to be here!
Hello everyone so I'm new here and you know I have an odd un So my name is shen, you can call me Shen or Mae, anyway you want it. So I'm saying hello to everyone and to Cris, the wonderful Cris

Hi, I'm Simetra! You might know me from The Lion's Call or NarniaMUCK.

And I have arrived, stealthily and without notice!

Hello to everyone! I go by the handle Forte, which is pronounced "Four-Tay" and not "forty". I am 19 years old at the moment, turning 20 in only a few months. I am a good friend of fernshirehobbit, who convinced me to join somehow, though I don't exactly know how. It's quite the mystery and a story that I'll have to tell someday, but right now, my memory is a bit fuzzy.

I am a huge fan of video games and anime. MegaMan games are amazing, and Dragonball is fantastic, I don't care what anyone says. Japanese superheroes rock, seriously. Kamen Rider and Ultraman, for the win.

I'm also a writer, I guess. I've written stories and poems, and I'm a grammar/punctuation freak, much to the dismay of my friends and family. I just like being neat, proper, and correct. And nobody appreciates it.

I guess that's about it... yeah, that's about it. Glad to be here!

Welcome to you three, I am Lava (at least that is what practically everyone calls me here). I am glad you guys have joined.

Simetra, I am glad you joined the RPG's.

Shen, this forum is full of "odd uns," you will fit in well in Dufferland.

Forte, I assume that fernie has told you of the wonders of Dufferland; we would be happy to have you. Since spelling and grammar are your fortes, be sure you join the Spelling Police. We can always use people who know the proper way to write. (Fernie is going to push me off of a duffer cliff for that shameless plug.) :D

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Simetra I'm glad to see you've come to the dark side....kidding, kidding. *Huggles her friend* Hey, plans for the fall might change since my life is changing. However, I'm applying for a few positions in the Northwest neck of the woods.....closer to where you are. One at SPU and one in Vancouver, WA. We'll see what the Lord has in store. Glad you're here. If you have questions let me know. In case you're wondering who I am I'll give you a clue.......NJ.

Hi there Forte, it's always great to meet a friend of Ferny's. She's a treasure!

If yall have questions feel free to ask.