-pokes her head in thread- Hi everyone! My name is Sarah, a soon-to-be-17-year-old high school junior living in Michigan with my parents, three younger siblings, and dog. I've been lurking around the forums for a long time now and just recently decided to register an account for posting myself. I decided to join the forums because I'm quite obviously a Narnia fan and I hope you guys won't mind if I finally start contributing to discussions myself. >//<
Let's see, interests-wise, I enjoy the performing arts--acting, singing, etc. I've recently also started trying my hand at drawing and doodling, though I don't think I'm very good. XD; I hope to improve, though. I also enjoy reading (pretty much anything fantasy, most apologetics-related stuff, as well as a lot of stuff I disagree with or dislike to sharpen my critical thinking..) and writing (whether spontaneous haikus or prose or so on)...and video games, haha! 0w0 (I will give an imaginary cookie to anyone who knows about/has played any of the EarthBound/MOTHER games!! =D )
I suppose the most important thing I should mention in my life, though, is that I am a Christian, justified freely by salvation through the grace of Jesus Christ. I want to strive to be a positive witness to those in my life who don't know Christ yet.
Well, I suppose that's enough for anybody to read right now. XD; If you have any questions to ask me or want to talk to me or anything, feel free to do so if you want. I'd love to get to know this community and I hope to have some great times and great discussions here with you guys! >w<
God bless,