Introduction Thread II

Welcome, Selyesna! AAAAAAND.....I tried to post a Visitor Message to newcomer Juliegoose, but it wouldn't go in. So here's what I meant to say to her:

Welcome to the forum! When you're up and running, I urge you to look near the bottom of the starting page and find the major section called Professor's Writing Club. In it there is a topic thread called "Sonnets Here, In-House." Reading the poems there will introduce you to the personalities of many Dancing Lawn regulars.
Hey guys, my names Joe :D. I've never actually seen any of the Narnia movies or read the books, however i have seen a school play of it. It was extremley good and i plan on grabbing the movies tonight :)

Ok guys i just finnished watching The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe...This was an outstanding movie, among the best ive seen for sure. I havent had time to watch Prince Caspian, however i dont expect it to dissapoint me. :]
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Greetings, Vexallus! I offer you the advice I offer to many newbies: look in the major section "Professor's Writing Club," and read a topic thread called "Sonnets Here, In-House." The poems there are descriptions of Dancing Lawn members past and present.