
How much Irish are you??

  • Full Irish

    Votes: 5 4.7%
  • Part Irish (Any Percentage)

    Votes: 102 95.3%

  • Total voters
Wait your name is Gaelic? or like it's gaelic? haha

I'm not sure that I follow you...

Yes it really is Gaelic! :D My name is Alaina, it's Gaelic and it means Beautiful. Or if you wanted to go by last name my family name is also that of an Irish family that had their own castle!! :cool: (Of course, I don't think that I'm related to them but that's beside the point! ;))
Latin is so complicated! I am learning it (and not enjoying it evry much) and let me tell you, it´s such a tumroil to get through and it´s so difficult!
The name "Tesse" is actually spelled "Tessie" [but my parents are strange] and "Tessie" is actually a nickname for "Teresa", which is my mother's middle name.

*takes deep breath* Everyone got all that? :p
I got it Faunfan haha.

No you don't want to haha. Take spanish, it's becoming a pretty dominant language in the world.

With Latin you have to deal with all this garbage like Declensions, Conjugations, Personal and Irregular Pronouns, Gerundives, Infinitives with the Subjunctive, and so much more.

I am absolutely horrible at Latin Grammar. At my school, I'm in the honors program, and part of being in it, you have to take Latin. I'm a sophomore, so this is my second year of Latin. In NY we have Regents tests (state exams). And through Highschool, you need 3 years of a language to get a credit. It's cool, we get to take the latin 3 Regents this year, because we are in honors. Only difference, in order to get the credit we need an 85 or above. If I don't pass with an 85 (A passing grade is above 65), I have to take a whole other wasted year of latin.

I will cry, lots and lots and lots if I don't pass with an 85 :(

I'll definitely be praying for you, then. :)

I can't speak Spanish [much]. I can get through introductions and things like that .... but ... :rolleyes:

The language I'm really good in is ... English. :p
Actually, my second best language is French. I'm not taking it in school .... I'm just teaching myself because I finish my schoolwork really fast, and I get bored.

:D J'amour vous!
haha yeah. I think I've accepted that I will be taking a third year of latin. The thought doesn't bother me, only, I just don't think about it haha.