Aye, ma'am! *goes back on topic*
If I understand the peace talks held recently in Annapolis, US President Bush has suggested either dividing Jerusalem into an Islamic and a Jewish city so control is shared, or else he has asked for Israel to relinquish control of Jerusalem to the Palestinians entirely.
What do we think of these suggestions? Are either workable solutions to the Israel crisis?
If 'relinquish control of Jerusalem to the Palestinians' means that Israel has no right of Jerusalem anymore i say no. (if that's not what you mean then i think you can skip the rest of my post

) For me there are actually a few sides to it:
In the bible Israel has all the 'rights' to Jerusalem, it's part of
their country, and they live there. (Even those who don't believe anything of christianity believe (i think) that Israël lived there long time ago.) I do understand some of the 'anger' that is there with the Palestinians whose country was kinda like 'taken' in 1948, because they lived there by then. I mean, i wouldn't like it if some other countrys decided that my country should be shared with complete different people because they lived here years ago. On the other hand: the people of Israël needed, especially after the holocaust, a country for themselves. And what would be a better place then their former country? I think it's a really complex problem (i'm sure i left quite some things out, so if anyone has something to add: please do so).
But we can say that Jerusalem is the most important place for all jews (and all zionists too i think), especially because there still is that wall left there. So i think saying that the jewish people should leave Jerusalem is not the right thing to do.
Dividing it into two parts would (i think) logistically be a major problem, because were do you divide it? I would rather see the two populations living there together in peace, but hey: that's what everyone has been hoping for for years, and it has not happened yet.
Another thing that worries me is that the palestinian people don't seem to 'accept' the authority of their president. They say that he does not know what the people want, and that he does not speak in name of the people, also Hamas says the same thing. That could be even a bigger problem, because if there will finally be a good plan, than it could still go really wrong because the palestinians don't accept it.