Jadis Returns


New member
(Ok, yes, this is not based on the book!!)

It is three weeks after the coronation and the queens and kings are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Beaver. That is when Jadis returns, she sends her "secret police" to go and find them once more!

"No, it does not seem right at all," said Edmund, he felt in his soul that the witch was back. Then he heard barking. "We must go, hurry!!" he shouted.

(I'll come in as a wolf now!!)
Edmund heard more barks, then stopped in his tracks as a white wolf stood before them. "What do you want??" said Edmund. "What do you think I want, your majesty," the wolf barked. His teeth were shwoing by now.
Susan stoped running and turned franitccly to the scene of Edmund and the wolf "EDMUND!!!" she shouted and then turned to Lucy "you must stay here okay?" with that she turned and fran franitcly over to Edmund leaving Lucy a safe distant away from the horrid scene. "why are you here!?!?" she shouted at the wolf angrilly.

"You two are the dumbest humans I've ever known," said the wolf. "Go now!!" Edmund shouted. "Jadis has sent me to capture you," the wolf said.

"Oh, you dont know," said the wolf, "It was I, the son of Maugrim, who also has the wolf king's crown, which can bring anybody or thing back to life (ok, I made that up, but go along with it!)" "Ok, if she is so much alive, take ME to her," he said, holding behind his back a sword that he'd just sharpened.