Jadis Returns


He looked back to show her he had his sword, "Come on wolf, or are you too chicken, is Jadis truly alive??" Edmund said gripping his sword tighter. "Ok, I'll show the way," he growled.
(Hey, I just made this avatar, if it works, your welcome to use it!!
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Edmund followed the wolf as he lead them to the stone table. "Come on Su," he whispered, making sure the wolf wouldn't hear, "You ahve your bow and arrow??" "You sure are slow, humans!!" the wolf said.

The wolf continued on and then stopped when the stone table came into view. Edmund had never seen this table before, and therefore was quite suprised. "So this is the oh so famous stoen table?!" he said, looking at it.
"Yep," said the wolf, walking up to it.
tears came to Susans eyes as she looked apon the Stone Table remembering that one fateful night when Aslan was sacrificed. she then turned to the wolf with an angry glare "why have you brought us here?" she asked.

"You know nothing, girl," the wolf laughed. "Jadis is here." He walked up the stairs to where the table was. Edmund followed, "Ok, then where is she??" he said. "Here, somewhere," said the wolf, "Your majesty, your little prince and his sister are here!!"

(Who will play Jadis???)
(I guess I could play Jadis.....or we both could...whihcever one you would like to chose :) )

"bring him here!" came Jadis's cold voice. Susan followed her brother putting a hand on his sholder and looking at the witch with a frightful expression playing on her face.
"tell me....ware are the others? shurly you two havn't come here alone?" asked Jadis eyeing the two children carefully with an evil grin spread across her face sending chills down Susans spine, she eyed the witch nervously "I can't believe she's really alive" Susan whispered more to herself then to anyone standing around her.

"Well, we have if you dont believe us," said Edmund.
"Your majesty, I found them at the beaver's dam alone," said the wolf. (Oh, his nameis Kindro)
Susan eyed the Witch nervously "he's right...we came alone" Susan agreed. Jadis laughed eyeing the two Children "so you have..." said Jadis still eyeing the children like a hawk."bring me too Aslan!" she demanded.
it was then when Susan decided to speak: "and what makes you think we would take you to him even if we did know ware he was?" she asked.

Jadis laughed eyeing the two children coldly. "and who says you don't know ware he is?" she asked harshly eyeing the children with cold bitter eyes.
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