Jadis Returns

Edmund looked into her cold blue eyes and remembered everything that had happened to him just a few weeks ago. He remember most of all her cruelness, but also the turkish delight (hehe). His knees were getting weak and he dropped his sword, not meaning to.
It was like Jadis had hipnotized him because he did not want to take the sword from her. He was not blinking either. "Your majesty," he said in a transe, bowing. Kindro laughed, "it really worked!"
Jadis looked at Susan, "Dont you know," she said, "You are the dumbest daughter of Eve I've ever known!" Edmund walked to her and she pu her arms around him as she did the first time.
"I've hipnotized him of course, and now he'll do everything that I tell him," said Jadis.
Edmund looked up at Jadis then back to his sister.
Susan eyed Kindro fearfully. she quickly pulled out her horn and blew on it feriously hopeing help would come soon. please let this work she thought desperetely.

(sorry I forgot exactly what susans horn thing was called....sorry...)
the white witch

Jadis stepped forward and with her spear pierced the horn. The horn exploded in a blue-white firework and spread out over the snow-covered ground. Jadis smiled serenely, lifted Edmund into her sleigh, stepped in after him, and drove off into the darkness, leaving Susan alone with Kindro and no help.
Susan watched the sleigh drive off into the darkness until it was no longer visible she then turned her gaze apon kindro who was eyeing her and laughing evilly.
then just as it seemed all hope was lost Susan looked off into the distance seeing a bright yellow glow. as the glow came closer Susan saw that the glow was a mighty lion running toward her and Kindro. "Aslan!?" she cried out in despair. is it really him? she thought to herself qoustionably.
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Kindro looked back and saw Aslan running towards them. He showed his teeth and jumped towards him.

Edmund sat in Jadis's sleigh silently, still as hipnotized as ever.
the palce

Edmund and Jadis, in the mean time, arrived at the witches palace. Edmund blinked, beneath his stupified outer brain, he thought "wasn't this destroyed." The white witch led him in and up to her throne. "Now sit, my young king, and tell me of my kingdom."
"Your majesty," he said, "Nothing here has happened, it has been all quite boring since Aslan killed you!" He sat down on the steps before her. "I'm glad you've returned to me!"