Jadis Returns

Edmund_Rocks said:
(Is it ok if I play Jadis until somebody wants to take her off my hands?!)

(sure! :) umm...I can help play Jadis if you need me too....)

Susan continued her glare at Jadis; also watching her every move.

Jadis took a step towards her and Edmund (was peter thier also?) eyeing them carefully with an evil cold look playing on her face.

(Yeah, to both!)

"You are as evil as you ever were!" shouted Edmund, clutching his sword. Kindro approached Jadis, "I've borught them to you," said he. "You've done well, now you may kill them!" she cackled.

Kindro approached the three Pevensies. "you look a bit scared, your majesties," growled the wolf. Edmund drew his sword, "Bak away," he said waving it in the air.

(Ok, we need Jadis to come in!!)

Kindro showed his teeth and growled. "Come on!!" said he, "Bring it on!!" "Ok," said Edmund, who was holding his sword and pointing it towards Kindro.
Susan whirled around toward Jadis as well; but maid sure to keep her bow pointed toward Kindro. as she looked into Jadis's cold cruel eyes she remembered the night of Aslans death she remembered the terrifying cruel unhuman look Jadis had in her eyes as she killed the great lion, this look sent chills through Susans whole body and a grief feeling began to overwealm her. when she witnessed Aslan kill Jadis that one victorious day she had thought the witch was gone forever which was something that caused her to feel overjoyed. but now here she was Jadis herself standing right in front of her.and if thier was one thing Susan despised the most it was being in Jadis's presence.
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