King Miraz - UPDATE: Miraz has been cast!

I believe that his name was leaked, and then the name was officially announced, because it draws away from the fact that it was leaked.

NarniaWeb recieved the exclusive announcment straight from Disney. Several other sites (such as NF and IGN) saw NarniaWeb's report. So yes, NarniaFans got it from NarniaWeb who got it from Disney.

So, for the few who may still be wondering, this IS the real deal.
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Good point gP, and I think they'll have a tough time keeping things from being leaked. (By the way Brian, your account is still set so you can't receive PMs. Talk to Specter or another mod if you need help with that.)

I'm not gonna wait for the worst. I'm gonna expect a good film. Obi-Wan, if you expect the worst darlin', you'll make sure you find it. It's not gonna be perfect, but it should be good.

I'm gonna wait to see the film and see how the actors do before I make any judgements.
I'm not gonna wait for the worst. I'm gonna expect a good film. Obi-Wan, if you expect the worst darlin', you'll make sure you find it. It's not gonna be perfect, but it should be good.

I'm gonna wait to see the film and see how the actors do before I make any judgements.

yup! good point Julie. I 10000% agree. I remember a couple months ago when Ben was first cast--people were flipping out cuz of his age and said "oh no. PC is ruined!" :rolleyes: I "dislike" judgemental people.
Ah, but Julia we're all judgemental on some level. The thing that I worry about is when all the movies are done and all is finished there...that so much of the magic of the Chronicles will be diminished as compared to what Lewis wrote.

Will this guy portray Miraz well, we'll have to wait and see. I truly hope that the script for this movie is better than LWW's was. VDT is the one I think about the most. The further into the Chronicles we get the harder it is to miss who Aslan represents, and I worry about those parts bring changed to the point where it's not Aslan anymore, but some other character than the one we know and love. I think a lot of the movies will be done well...the question is, will the stories be missed in the generations to come because there's a set of movies out there that are easier to watch than books are to read...and will the characters as we know them be lost on the whole?
So I have been watching Sergio's performance in the 2003, Padre Pio: Miracle Man movie and he is a great actor. It is an awesome movie. He plays the character well, the only problem is I do not know how I will be able to watch him as the villianous Miraz after seeing him play the role of Saint Pio.
I hope you'll be able to see him in as Miraz Lady Jean. I think I'll avoid that movie for now though...I'll wait and see him first in PC I think.