Bella has one month to live..that's all I know!Lady Larien said:ooc -*twitch* what have i missed? i don't feel like reading.... i'm too busy drinking my mint tea.....
LOL! tis very yummy
Bella has one month to live..that's all I know!Lady Larien said:ooc -*twitch* what have i missed? i don't feel like reading.... i'm too busy drinking my mint tea.....
LOL! tis very yummy
Jadie said:"Oh, well I'll try to make you feel better. I hope you can get back there someday. If you do, send me letters!' Jadie giggled.
"Okay, bye!' Jadie said, walking a few feet away to look at her surroundingsoxford girl said:"okay," Mara said smiling, "I'd better get back to work, see you later" Mara walked back towds the stables
Lady Larien said:ooc - i just read everything i missed.... hmmm *is bored*
ooc - NOT ME! i'm at school.... i have exams this week :-/ but only half days for the rest of the week and then CHRISTMAS BREAK! BOOYEAH!Jadie said:I don't have much of a part in this RPG *shrugs* I dunno what to do! lol
You guys RP like 50 pages a day LOL
ooc - *gasp* blood? i hate blood.....*hides under rock*Jadie said:ooc: she's in her room..
Christmas Break started for me....but my parents drag me to Toys R Us..which sux because they should've tooken my sister to the hospital! She was bleeding lol
ooc: you read itLady Larien said:ooc - EWWW!! *nose starts hurting* see what you did! you made my nose hurt! lol!