Kingdom of Old

ooc: lol...

ic: Bella looked around the cabin, pausing for a moment on the large piece of wood barring the door.

Mugwart glanced at Bella and smiled.
"I know what yer be thinking, lass. But, I keep things out, not in. It is for my safety."
Mugwart chuckled slightly, it was a coarse chuckle, but one with an undertone of amusement.
He glanced back at Eric, whom was shivering slightly.
"Best you put that lad near the fire. Me thinks he tried to brave the bitter cold without complaining. It is starting to catch upto him somewhat."
Bella nodded and helped Eric over to the fire.
"Eric.. I said you were my brother because I don't want to appear suspisious. And because, you would have been.. Had not Dirk...died..." she murmured.
Then she moved back over to the seat, sitting in one.
Bella nodded and helped Eric over to the fire.
"Eric.. I said you were my brother because I don't want to appear suspisious. And because, you would have been.. Had not Dirk...died..." she murmured.
Then she moved back over to the seat, sitting in one.

Eric did not reply, he merely held onto Beklla as she guided him to the fire.
He sat down beside Nat, looking teary-eyed.
He faced the fire so the man and Bella would not notice his tears in his eyes.

Mugwart watched as Bella took Eric over to the fire.
He glanced away from them, looking at his shut window. The snowstorm was starting to pick up outside. He wondered if the other members of this caravan's party would be able to make it before the snowstorm hit roughly.
ooc: should we just have them come in? since they're probably not gonna do it themslves?

ic: Bella looked out the window into the swirling white. "Elizabeth's out there..." she murmured, worried.
ooc: should we just have them come in? since they're probably not gonna do it themslves?

ic: Bella looked out the window into the swirling white. "Elizabeth's out there..." she murmured, worried.

OOC: We could wait for a day or so, see if they show. If they don't, you (as GM), can take control of their characters for a short while until they are safely in the hut.


Eric stared deeply into the fire until he heard what Bella had said.
"Elizabeth..." he whispered.
Standing up, Eric turned and walked to the large door with the piece of wood.
He started to try and lift it, but it was too big and heavy.

IC (Mugwart):

Mugwart noticed Eric get up and go to the door. He watched in slight amusement as the boy tried to lift up the large piece of wood but had failed.
"Now, now. Do not be a hero, lad. Even if you managed to lift that wood, you'd have no luck braving the storm outside. There is no garantee that you may even find em in a blizzard like this."


Eric ignored Mugwart, the tears in his eyes trickling down his face and stinging his cheeks.
He had to try, he did not want anyone else to die.
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ooc: let's see... Elizabeth, Hailey, Kaliban, and Gwen?

ic: Bella was staring at the door, trying to magically make someone knock on it. Suddenly, there was a knock. Bella flew up and was at the door before Mugwart was out of his seat. When he had opened the door, Bella took a single glance at them and ushered them inside and to the fire. Elizabeth sat between Natty and Eric, while Gwen and Hailey stood on one side of the hearth. Kaliban stood further away from the fire, behind Elisabeth.

ooc: like that?:D
ooc: let's see... Elizabeth, Hailey, Kaliban, and Gwen?

ic: Bella was staring at the door, trying to magically make someone knock on it. Suddenly, there was a knock. Bella flew up and was at the door before Mugwart was out of his seat. When he had opened the door, Bella took a single glance at them and ushered them inside and to the fire. Elizabeth sat between Natty and Eric, while Gwen and Hailey stood on one side of the hearth. Kaliban stood further away from the fire, behind Elisabeth.

ooc: like that?:D

OOC: yeah...

Eric stopped as the door opened and the rest of the assembled party came into the hut.
He went and sat back down beside Elizabeth.

OOC: lol, yeah, sorta. I would have made it more detailed and you could have taken my characters actions into account. lol, nevermind.
ooc: that is the difference between you and me... You are a genius with the whole thing... I am not.. I like to do whatever.. and say, 'okay, I'm done'

ic: Bella hugged Elisabeth, rubbing her arms to increase the circulation and to warm her up.
OOC: Been a long while but this is one of the best and long-lived RPGs ever in my opinion.

IC (Mugwart):

Closing the door behind him as the rest of the party had assembled and giving a slight shudder from the bitter cold wind that had picked up just before he shut the door. Mugwart had placed the large piece of wood back in place to keep the door firmly shut.
He turned back and glanced at Bella.
"Now then. What do people like yourselves be doing walking through a snowstorm like this? It seems utter madness ter me," he remarked to Bella.