Kingdom of Old

Natalya got off her horse and the snow came up just below her sholders. She tryed to get outbut she was in to far. "Can someone help me please!"

occ:sorry i haven't posted in a long time I thought this was dead and I haven't been on the computer that much either but yea I missed it too!
Natalya got off her horse and the snow came up just below her sholders. She tryed to get outbut she was in to far. "Can someone help me please!"

occ:sorry i haven't posted in a long time I thought this was dead and I haven't been on the computer that much either but yea I missed it too!

ooc: it was.. SimonW and I decided to revive it...

ic: Bella rushed back to help her. "Are you alright?" she asked, pulling her up.
"okay, we just need to get to that cottage, here, let me carry you.."She said, scooping her sister up.

Eric watched the exchange between the two sisters.
He glumly trode through the deep snow, trying to hold back tears.
'If Dirk was here, he'd...Well, he'd say I was a weakling and that I had to rely on myself,' thought Eric rather grimly.
It pained his heart to think of his brother, so he put his mind to the task at hand, trying to reach the destination they sought.
ooc: Poor Eric... *sniff*

ic: Bella walked quickly, she had to get Natty out of the cold. She was shivering badly.
She made it to the hut and knocked on the door, hurriedly.
"Come on..." she murmured, hugging Natty closer to her.
ooc: Poor Eric... *sniff*

ic: Bella walked quickly, she had to get Natty out of the cold. She was shivering badly.
She made it to the hut and knocked on the door, hurriedly.
"Come on..." she murmured, hugging Natty closer to her.

OOC: yeah...Sorry. lol.

IC (Eric):

Eric stopped behind Bella and Natty. He waited as suddenly the door started to open and a tall and fat man with a thick brown beard stood in the broad doorway.

IC (Mugwart):
Mugwart was surprised at a knock upon his door.
Getting up from his chair, the lumberjack stomped across to his door and pulled back the hefty piece of wood that kept it locked.
He opened the door and glanced at the assembled party outside his door.
His voice was gruff but mild as he asked "Yes?"
ooc: w/e... it's okay

ic: "I'm sorry, sir, but we were looking for shelter. My sister is cold and wet, and we saw smoke coming from your fire..." she said, steeling herself and looking up at the stranger.
ooc: w/e... it's okay

ic: "I'm sorry, sir, but we were looking for shelter. My sister is cold and wet, and we saw smoke coming from your fire..." she said, steeling herself and looking up at the stranger.

Mugwart glanced down at the pitiful-looking creatures. He nodded his head as if in understanding.
"It can get quite nippy here, I suppose," he stated coarsely.
He glanced from the two girls to Eric, who was a few steps behind them, also shivering.
"Is that miserable one with you too?" asked Mugwart to Bella, indicating with his eyes to Eric.
Mugwart glanced down at the pitiful-looking creatures. He nodded his head as if in understanding.
"It can get quite nippy here, I suppose," he stated coarsely.
He glanced from the two girls to Eric, who was a few steps behind them, also shivering.
"Is that miserable one with you too?" asked Mugwart to Bella, indicating with his eyes to Eric.

Bella glanced back. "Oh.. yes, he is.... he's our brother." she added.
Bella glanced back. "Oh.. yes, he is.... he's our brother." she added.

Eric blinked slightly. Why did Bella lie like that?

Mugwart looked a little suspicious but then his face softened and he nodded.
"Then come in and be welcome," he stated, moving aside.
The inside was like that of a hunter's lodge, there was a roaring fire in a stone fireplace and a large hearth rug on the ground. A table with three chairs was near the end of the rug, away from the fire. It was a welcoming sight indeed.
ooc: it was an impulse.. I had too...

ic: Bella nodded. "Thank you very much sir.."
She moved near the fire, setting Natty down carefully.

OOC: lol, it okay.

IC (Eric):

Eric silently entered after Bella and Natty entered, passing by the large man who was still by the door.
He still did not know why Bella had said he was her brother.
Sitting in one of the seats, Eric noticed they were taller then normal. His feet were dangling in mid-air, barely able to touch the ground.

IC (Mugwart):

Mugwart flicked away Bella's thanks as if it were nothing.
He closed his door and put down the large piece of wood to secure it tight.
Turning to his three guests, Mugwart strided across and sat down in his oaken chair.
He glanced across at Eric, who was barely able to see over the table top.
He then glanced at Natty and Bella, whom were getting warm by the fire.
"Are there any others in your little caravan?" asked Mugwart to Bella.
Bella nodded. "Another sister, and a few friends..." She left Natty and stood next to Eric's chair.

Mugwart seemed to mull this over with a few nods, idely stroking his thick brown beard.
"They will soon find my cabin, people allways do because of the smoke," muttered the lumberjack to Bella.


Eric glanced at Bella as she stood next to his chair.
He then glanced back at Mugwart.

(Other people in party: Princess Gwen, Knight Kaliban, Princess Elisabeth. Princess Hailey)
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"Thank you very much sir.." she said again. She put a hand on Eric's shoulder, trying to calm him. She figured he was confused, but she couldn't very well explain why she had lied in front of this man.

ooc: is this supposed to be kind of weird? or am i just being over sensitive? YOU'RE NOT GONNA KILL ERIC, ARE YOU??? *GASP*
"Thank you very much sir.." she said again. She put a hand on Eric's shoulder, trying to calm him. She figured he was confused, but she couldn't very well explain why she had lied in front of this man.

ooc: is this supposed to be kind of weird? or am i just being over sensitive? YOU'RE NOT GONNA KILL ERIC, ARE YOU??? *GASP*

Eric tensed up as he felt Bella's hand upon his shoulder.
It was unexpected, but he did not turn his head to look at her.
He was getting used to his surroundings.
Eric glanced at the fire that was in the fireplace, it seemed hot and angry.

Mugwart noticed the exchange of Bella and Eric, but thought nothing of it. He was a lumberjack, he did not waste his time on noticing things, even though he could not help noticing them anyway.

OOC: Umm...maybe... :)