Kingdom of Old

Bella turned to Eric. "These are your Father's lands. Can you tell me where to find someone who knows why all this has happened?"

ooc: I miss this RPG... *sigh*
Bella turned to Eric. "These are your Father's lands. Can you tell me where to find someone who knows why all this has happened?"

ooc: I miss this RPG... *sigh*

Eric began to think, it took him a little while.
"The only person I can think of is the Witch," stated Eric, shivering slightly.

OOC: logging off soon. And yes, I miss it too.
ooc: BINGO!!!

ic: "The Witch? Can you take us to her?"

Slowly, Eric nodded.
He was not exactly thrilled with the idea himself. But, he owed Bella, his family did.
"We continue North, like Kalibin said. I caution you, if you wish to turn back now, I will not blame any of you."
Slowly, Eric nodded.
He was not exactly thrilled with the idea himself. But, he owed Bella, his family did.
"We continue North, like Kalibin said. I caution you, if you wish to turn back now, I will not blame any of you."

"I shall not turn back. The rest may, if they wish. But I shall not be deterred."
"Okay, follow me," stated Eric half-heartedly.
He wasn't really eager to be leading them. What if something happened? He'd be blamed.
Sighing, he rode to the front of the group and started clip-clopping to the North, the path barely visible by the deep snow.
"Okay, follow me," stated Eric half-heartedly.
He wasn't really eager to be leading them. What if something happened? He'd be blamed.
Sighing, he rode to the front of the group and started clip-clopping to the North, the path barely visible by the deep snow.

Bella followed eagerly.
Eric continued forward.
"Be careful of the snowstorms everyone!" he yelled back.
Continuing forward, the snow gradually got heavier as they continued on, it was hard to tell day by night anymore due to the constant snowfall.
Eric stopped riding after a day's (as far as he could tell) journey.
He dismounted from his horse, which was difficult because of his height.
Eric get belly deep in the snow, luckilly, he was able to pull himself out with the horse harness and stood on top of the snow.