New member
Bella heard crying in Eric's room.
"Uh-huh," she heard a mournful cry from behind the door.
She slowly opened the door.
"Eric? I know you're hurting.." she told him quietly.
Bella heard crying in Eric's room.
"Uh-huh," she heard a mournful cry from behind the door.
She slowly opened the door.
"Eric? I know you're hurting.." she told him quietly.
She slowly opened the door.
"Eric? I know you're hurting.." she told him quietly.
Eric was sitting on his bed, his knees to his chin, tears rolling down his cheeks.
He did not reply, just glanced at Bella as she entered.
Gwen went to her room. (wait does she even have one?well she does now) She changed into a black dress that seemed to oddly match her hair beautifully.
She went to his side.
"Eric, I loved your brother. I'm sorry Elisabeth told you like that, it probably wasn't fair to you."
She hugged him around the shoulders.
"If you need anything, ever, I hope you'll come to me."
Eric whimpered slightly.
He hugged her back, still crying and nodded after they parted hugs.
IC:Eric whimpered slightly.
He hugged her back, still crying and nodded after they parted hugs.
"Are you alright?" she asked, trying to wipe away the tears after they parted.
He returned Natalya's hug aswell.
He welcomed her soothing touch. It was nice to have girls, almost like sisters to him, help him.
"I...I think so," replied the twelve-year-old boy shakingly.
"Eric, do you want to come with us? to the north? I don't like the idea of you being here all alone."
"Eric, do you want to come with us? to the north? I don't like the idea of you being here all alone."
"Are you sure you want a crybaby like me to come?" he asked, grimacing.
"I'm going to be crying quite a bit, Eric. So you won't be alone. And yes, I want you to come."
ooc:you should say you already have two crybabys.Make that♥♥♥♥♥♥
Elisabeth sat silently on the stable floor near Midnite's stall,thinking.