Kirsten Dunst

I watched some very intresting interviews with Kirsten Dunst last night. I learned a lot that I didn't know. For one I didn't know that Kirsten actaully is a great singer and that i was really her singing in Spider-Man 3. I also learned that she's dosen't put her self worth in her work. She actually considers acting as one of her hobbies, and she said that it is only a part of who she is. I must say the more I learn about her, the more I admire her. Kirsten Dunst is by far my favorite actress and she by far a most intresting person.
I tell you the truth, the more I learn about Kirsten the more I admire and like her. Which is a change, because usually the more I learn about actors or actresses, the less intrested I become.
same here. I also have had a couple of times I really liked someone but then the true character turned out to be not so kind. Or they were feeling themselves like gods above everybody. But so far I have not heard anything bad about Kirsten yet. maybe she is just easygoing without an attitude. As I said before...she slowly worked herself a ay to the top without any screaming or shouting. She seems to be very nice and cool.
Yeah I was surpised to learn that it was her voice. I wish they would make Spider-Man 3: The Original Score so I could have tracks of the songs she sang.
I did some more research on Kirsten Dunst and I found out she's Luthern (Christian). Weither she was raised that way or if she is still practicing I do not know. But anyways It's just nice to know that she has heard the truth. I only pray that she comes to know Jesus Christ in a deep and intimate way.
I tend to reserve my judgement on actor and actresses. There is so much junk in the media and it's filled with lies. So far I haven't heard or seen heardly anything negative or bad about Kirsten Dunst. Infact fro mwhat I can tell she is pretty moral person.
That is true. Of course many actors are wewird or have an attitude but there are aklso a lot of rumors and gossip going on. Those people are more known than the avergae person so I won't let myself into this gossip thing and let people decide for themselves what they want to believe. 90% of the gossip things are lies.
I agree you can't believe everything you hear or see. I only trust it if the actor or actress says it, otherwise I discard it. As for Kirsten, I think she is a most admirable lady who has talent and a good prespective on things.
Absolutely. I have never hard things about her that makes her less great. She never said she was the best or other actresses an actors were losers. Never. So in my opinion I think she is a very loyal and decent girl. Just as normal as any other, but only with more extraordinair job :D
Infact she seems to not really care so much about the lime light. Like she said "Acting is just one part of my life, it's not my whole life" (Not these are exact words, but the essence of what she said).