Kirsten Dunst

I know. I have read some of her quotes at IMDB and she is a nice person. I also have not heard opther people talking man about her as they often can do. Not even fights behind the scenes. She is very well capable to seperate her acting life and her private life
If you ask me Kirsten Dunst holds to a higher standard. She isn't full of herself, she isn't in scandels, she isn't talking bad about people, she isn't obessed with fame. I haven't heard hardly anything bad about her, and the tihngs I've heard arn't very extreme when it compared to other movie stars. I don't know called me blind, but I think she is a credible and good person. I think she is more down to earth then any star I've read or heard about. She seems just like a normal good person who is famous. And she dosen' seem to lute that fame go to her head, which makes her all the more likable. It's amazing to actually like the actress and not just there acting. I like Kirsten as a person, a whole. Not just for her performances in films. Anyways I could go on and on :D
You are too blind :D :p No, I am just kidding ;) You say it right and couldn't have said it better. I have heard many stars saying bad things or having an attitude but the first bad thing Kirsten has said must still be written. I mean, she is a star for so long now and no bad word. That's amazing. Not even weird behavior or signs of being drunk etc. I love actresses or actors like her. It is cool behavior and although I haven't seen much of her movies I start to like her as an actress, thanks to you!
Then I have done Kirsten Dunst justice. I am glad you have become a fan and I agree I haven't even heard her say a bad word, not one! Again the more I learn about her, the more I like her.
For a second I was really going to kick myself lol because I forgot where I saw her, not in real life, but now I remember. She was in Savage Gardens music vid and in Mona Lisa Smile. It's an okay movie but she acted well in it too.

Have you seen Small soldiers? I thought it was okay. I really liked it when it came out though but now I am older its okay. She was quite young in that one too. Also I didnt know she was in Anastacie the cartoon movie.

And I also think the movie I was talking about was All Forgotten, I'm not sure though. Has anyone seen that movie?
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You're welcome Jeff. Do you mind I call you Jeff? ;)
Yes, she is a very decent person. I will see if I can get more movies with her in it. Many actresses arfe not always that nice even when they play very well. I think someone who never says anything bad and just is doing her job deserves a large fanclub. How are the pics doing? Do you already have more?
Mya, I don't have seen those. But I think a certain member ( :D ) might have
It's fine if you call me Jeff and yes I have collected more pics of Kirsten :D . I have seen Small Soldiers and Mona lisa Smile. However I haven't seen the movie All Forgotten. I personally loved Mona Lisa Smile, even though Kirsten acted very harsh and mean in that role, I still loved the film.
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I totally agree with you, good actors and actresses have to able to play a good mean role and Kirsten did a great job in Mon Lisa Smile.

OCC: What do you think of my new Kirsten Dunst banner?
Yeah it's about the tenis tournmanet and it fallows Kirsten Dunst character and a guy she falls in love with who wins Wimbledon. It a romantic movie that I wish I had.

Edit: The pic indeed makes you smile. I'm glad her smile helps other smile :)