Last Post Game IV

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all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.

Ok, I cheated (used google). But I DO LOVE LOTR. really really really. lol. I have pippin's song memorized, if that counts for anything.
Heaven heard,
when a small child cried,
where no one else could here.
Heaven heard.

An angel was dispatched without delay,
to answer what they pray,
here on earth below,
though not as they always want.

Heaven heard a cry for help,
when a teen full of heartache yearned for freedom,
the knife lay untouched,
his life renewed as if swept with a broom.

Heaven heard.
the silent unspoken words hiden,
b'neath the veil of masked faces,
waiting until biden.

Heaven heard.
the gentle heart of a wife,
as her husband got wasted,
she longed for the man who she wedded.

Now, he's a gentleman,
strong and protective,
and I would mess with his daughter,
if you want to live.

Heaven heard....Heaven Heard.
Why Should Heaven care?
for a merciless, hard world such as this?
because Heaven has a king such as this.

"God sent his only begotten son, so that whosoever believes in him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16
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