Eärendil the Mariner
New member
*Laughs as clone falls off cliff* *Pushes Abby & Chuck Norris off cliff**lsers shoot out of eyes and kill kevin, chuck norris, AND MK*
*throws dead bodies off a cliff*
*Laughs as clone falls off cliff* *Pushes Abby & Chuck Norris off cliff**lsers shoot out of eyes and kill kevin, chuck norris, AND MK*
*throws dead bodies off a cliff*
We would be bored!We should see if we can go ONE day w/o throwing people off cliffs. What would we do?
We would be forced to be CREATIVE. er. than usual.
Ha! You burned a clone (not me)! & you burned some guy named Kein's clones NOT mine!*shudder* imagine not being able to throw anyone off a cliff*freaks out*
oh well
*burns kevin/MK*
*steals clone machine*
*burns kein/MK clones*
*Knocks over* *wins**skips in* *wins*