Last Post Game IV

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I have one word for YOU, Abbbbbbbbbbby.

*throws Abby off cliff*

We should see if we can go ONE day w/o throwing people off cliffs. What would we do?
*shudder* imagine not being able to throw anyone off a cliff*freaks out*
oh well
*burns kevin/MK*
*steals clone machine*
*burns kein/MK clones*
*laughs because the clone machine that Abby destroyed was merely a CLONE of our clone machine, which is in a secret place that Abby will NEVER find.*
*burns all people named kevin, including clones*
*mentally destroys the clone machine and all clones of it*
*clone machines and all clones of clone machines are dstroyed*
haha, CLONE.
*lasers shoot from eyes-* wait darn it, i don't have eyes.
*lasers shoot from nose-*
random person: you don't have a nose
me: ok well my ears then
random person: ears either.
me: mouth?
random person: nope.
*thinks about lasers destroying all cones, clone machines, clones of clone machines, time machines, clones of time machines, and MK*
*lasers shoot from the sky and destroy all cones, clone machines, clones of clone machines, time machines, clones of time machines, and MK*
*looks up at the sky warily*
*starts to lose hope*
(p.s. the clone you killed was not me)
*richard simmons appears out of nowhere and starts forcing Abby to do his work-out with him*
*runs away, and plots the DESTRUCTION OF ABBY*
*ends up in France*
*buys bombs*
*comes to America and throws bombs at weary Abby*
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